U.-4 22-2801 Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 1, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and G & G Builders, Inc., Livermore, CA, for latter' scope reduction, from Agreement, as follows: 1) Delete from contract demo and removal of 74'x42' (multi-sport court area) or 3,100 SF of existing asphalt {after investigation this work was not required); 2) Delete from contract new 74'x42' or 3,100 SF (multi-sport court) of new concrete rat-slab (after Investigation this work was not required); 3) Delete to remove (1) basketball hoop (G&G only removed 3 hoops in lieu of 4, as Kaboom already remove done for them} [After the contractor was on board, and after investigation walk with both the contractor and the multi-sport court manufacturer, it was decided that some additional scope was not required. Kaboom took care of not just the installation of the multi-sport court but also the minimal site required for the install], for the OAK at Howard Elementary School Site Improvements Project, in the deductive amount of $53,566.35, reducing the Agreement not to exceed amount from $116,977.00 to $63,410.65.00. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.