Meeting Time: January 11, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

O.-1 22-2964 Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - January 11, 2023.

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    Lara Clayman about 2 years ago

    Student-led Climate Literary (ECCL) policy passed in 2018. Why hasn’t it been implemented? BUSD just pledged $65K for climate curriculum.

    Is the 2020 Climate Emergency Action Resolution (CEAR) in the Board’s and superintendent’s work plans? What are your next steps?

    We are out of compliance with SB 1383--waste sorting isn’t happening across most school sites. 7 or more sustainability and equity policies have been partially or poorly implemented.

    The district initially denied planting 7 trees at my school site to address the heat island effect and air quality issues. We were asking for 30 trees. ( Asthma is a leading cause of absenteeism.) What is the intent behind OUSD’s Living Schoolyards policy?

    What will it take for the district to react appropriately to the climate emergency and seek out and commit resources for climate adaptation and mitigation and existing sustainability policies?