Meeting Time: December 08, 2022 at 6:00pm PST

Agenda Item

E.-1 22-2783 An oral Report to the Charter Matters Committee by Mike Hutchinson, Chairperson, on Charter Matters Committee Accomplishments for the 2021 - 2022 School Year.

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    Amelie Tyler about 2 years ago

    Today my class from Hillcrest toured Claremont middle school. When our tour finally ended, we felt disheartaned at what we had just seen. At Hillcrest, we have clean facilities, excellent teachers, and caring staff. A huge benefit of having fewer students is that each child get improved individual attention and care. What I appreciate most about Hillcrest is our strong sense of community. For example during math class, if a student is struggling on a lesson, everyone who can help comes over to assist them almost immediately. The biggest difference I felt in comparing the school is that at lunch at Hillcrest, we feel free to be ourselves and joyous.

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    Javier Cabra over 2 years ago

    Good evening OUSD charter committee. My name is Javier Cabra and I am the new Bay Area Executive Director for Aspire Public Schools. I know that this evening there will be a report/update on Prop 39 and this year’s facility requests from charter schools. Prior to this update, I’d like to share that Aspire Public Schools has rescinded its Prop 39 application for Aspire Triumph Academy and Aspire College Academy. We acknowledge and support the current plans for the facilities use at the Parker Elementary campus. Thank you.