Meeting Time: December 08, 2022 at 6:00pm PST

Agenda Item

B. Roll Call

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    ChildAssaultHiredByOUSD DonnellBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices over 2 years ago

    I respectfully submit my complaint directly to the President and BOG so the public may acknowledge they can not say they are not aware of this complaint.
    Join the lawsuit to terminate Donnie Barclift (Donnell Burnell Barclift), Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services. He maliciously assaulted two white kids with a 2x4 lumber beam and one victim took his own life out of shock and shame the same year Donnell Barclift got hired at OUSD in 2009.
    Please sign the petition at the link If you are a victim of this man or wish to join the lawsuit. Mr Barclift posted videos of a black man assaulting another black man with 2x4 lumber beams shortly after hired at OUSD. This was shown to the Ombudsperson Mr Valenzuela who immediately tried to cover it up to protect OUSD and the employee. Mr Barclift has not been terminated from OUSD despite the video evidence and complaints.