Meeting Time: October 06, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Q.-1 22-2332 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution 2223-0030 - Proposal to Use Former Parker School Facilities for Adult Education and Community Programs and Services.

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    Dana Mims over 2 years ago

    As a member of the Eastmont Neighborhood Council I am in favor and support Resolution 2223-0030 - Proposal to Use Former Parker School Facilities for Adult Education and Community Programs and Services. The use of Parker Elementary as an Adult Resource Center. The community resource is desperately need in D6. This Adult Resource Center will be a huge step in bring some equity to public Education opportunities that have been stripped from D6 of resources by charter schools.

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    Judi Burle over 2 years ago

    I believe the closure of Parker should be rescinded, and Parker returned to its use as a neighborhood elementary school. But if that is not to be, I am concerned about delegating management and possible subcontracting of space to private entities, whether they may be for-profit businesses or community-based nonprofits. This is public property owned by OUSD, and should stay in public control.