Meeting Time: October 06, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

M.-3 22-2325 Public Hearing by the Board of Education "Sunshining" District's initial proposals to Health Benefits Governing Board (HBGB) regarding health and welfare benefits prior to entering into formal negotiations with all bargaining units.

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    Carol Delton over 2 years ago

    I hope that the district also takes seriously its responsibility to bargain in good faith with the HBGB. For years, the district contended that the HBGB formula (to which the the district had agreed) was not calculable. However, I found it easily calculable, although the district may not have liked the results. Everyone wants the district to be solvent. It is a question of resource allocation.

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    Lara Clayman over 2 years ago

    Could the Board please update the public as to what is being done to to follow through on the Climate Emergency Action Resolution that was passed in 2020? Thank you!