Meeting Time: October 06, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

J.-1 22-2193 Student Board Members' Report - October 6, 2022: ? Student Voices Statement on recent incidents. ? Student Leadership & Events ? School Board Candidate Forum ? Update on 1st High school meeting ? Welcoming New Media Director ? Re introducing ACC Governing Board ? Upcoming ACC 1st Middle School Meeting

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    Moshiese Josephian over 2 years ago

    Re: The Shooting
    What else do we expect when school communities are torn apart and stripped of the things and people that create thriving environments? Not sticking to something like the George Floyd Resolution means our tax dollars are ripping apart families and support groups through expulsions and school consolidation.
    As a community we’ve been completely disinvested in— our neighborhoods, our schools, and our wellness …. In these times people are scared and hurting, and it could have been avoided by seeing us as people, not a system that needs fixing.
    Solutions for safety exist within the community, not policing. Don't put them back in the schools to further traumatize our kids. Our schools and communities need investments in resources that contribute to our collective well-being as defined by US, the community! Resource us, don’t police us, stop ripping us apart!
    Consolidating schools contributes to community violence. Consolidating schools IS COMMUNITY VIOLENCE. STOP IT!