Meeting Time: September 28, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

S.-3 22-1735 Approval by the Board of Education of Grant Agreement Number 21R1VA1001, by and between the District and the California Energy Commission, accepting $5,050,200.00 in AB 841 California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) Program Grant Funds for Ventilation Assessment of existing HVAC units including condition, operability, functionality, and identifying deficiencies; Merv 13 filter replacements; installation of CO2 sensors; HVAC deficiency improvements, for sixty-four (64) school sites as described in Grant Agreement, incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, via the Division of Facilities Planning and Management, for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

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    Andre Spearman over 2 years ago


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    Leana Rosetti over 2 years ago

    As a parent at OUSD and member of the SAC, I support this grant. In light of the OUSD Climate Emergency Action Resolution, it is crucial electric heat-pump air conditioning/heating technology is used for any replacements or new installations.

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    Lara Clayman over 2 years ago

    I support the approval of CALSHAPE Plumbing and Ventilation grants and expanded efforts lower our carbon footprint, to improve air quality, reduce water waste and improve water conservation across all school sites

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    Rami Moussa over 2 years ago

    As a member of the SAC and parent of children in OUSD, I support the approval of CALSHAPE Plumbing and Ventilation grants. Improvements to air filtration systems in schools and actively providing the information needed to control CO2 concentration of indoor air will improve the health and cognitive function of students, as found in studies conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health sited below. Plumbing system improvements will provide measurable benefit to reducing water consumption, energy consumption (reduced domestic hot water use) and provide associated cost benefits. Please consider approving these facility improvements.

    2021 HSPH Study -
    2015 HSPH Study -