Meeting Time: September 28, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Q.-4 22-2262 Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment(s), Board Bylaw 9131 - Advisory and Oversight Committees and Commissions, as enumerated.

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    Carol Delton over 2 years ago

    I am concerned that the amendment to the Audit committee bylaws can be read in a very narrow way. I am concerned that it could be read to prevent the committee from functioning unless these members were in place, also to require that the audit expertise be in the public schools system---which is a very small and specialized area. This would exclude for example, many CPAs! (Special selection process: At least three members shall possess expertise in internal and/or external audits, and/or management of a public school system.

    I would like to suggest the following: The committee shall seek to include at least three members who possess expertise in the management, operation or programming of a public school system or in institutional audits.

    Also: Can there be an application bank so people that can be notified when openings come up. For example, several years ago heard there were 30 applications for 2 places on the Audit Ctte. Perhaps they would like to join now.