Meeting Time: June 08, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

W.-2 22-1527 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0089 - Supporting the Implementation of Measure QQ in High Schools.

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    CriminalBatteryOfTwoPreTeens DonnieBarclfitNutritionServicesFieldSupervisorAttackerAndStalker over 2 years ago

    To PTA,
    The assault and battery of 2 white male adolescents using a 2x4 wooden construction beam by Mr Donnie Barclift, Nutrition Services, Field Supervisor was an unpredictable violent aggravated assault of a black adult male on two white children. Though this happened in '86/7 Mr Barclift showed his nature by uploading to his youtube channel a black adult male beating another black adult male with the same 2x4 wood beam he beat the kids with. Reported to the Ombudsperson but he only informed Mr Barclift to remove the video which he did and then shortly later uploaded a new video of a new attack with the same 2x4 wood beam. One of the kids Mr Barclift beat died, the same year OUSD hired Mr Barclift, from a drug overdose in 2009. The other kid victim has sciatic nerve damage and was his inspiration to seek employment at OUSD since he became a teacher shortly after moving to San Francisco (2003).

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    Kim Davis almost 3 years ago

    Please support this youth led effort to implement and support QQ and goals and help our young people actively participate in our democratic systems.

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    Kimberly Woo almost 3 years ago

    Good evening! My name is Kimberly Woo, and I am the Student Trainee for the Oakland Youth Commission, which is the city body composed of youth who leads city campaigns on youth empowerment. I am in strong support of this Youth Engagement Resolution, which would ensure that eligible 16-and-17-year-olds have access to pre-registration and voter education opportunities to enact the goals of Measure QQ. We as a community must empower our youth who represent our leaders of tomorrow and, most importantly, today. From mental health resources to career readiness in schools, youth are the most qualified experts to speak on policies that directly affect them, and we must provide them with the tools and education to civically participate. The youth in Oakland are the constituents of OUSD, and this education belongs to the students. I urge the OUSD to prioritize youth registration and civic education in order to inspire our youth to voice their passions and advocate for our communities.

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    Karla Guerra almost 3 years ago

    On behalf of The Unity Council, I would like to express our support for the Youth Voter Engagement Resolution, which will ensure that eligible 16-and-17-year-olds have access to pre-registration and voter education opportunities, expand youth democracy and advance the goals of Measure QQ.

    Our programs work with Latinx youth ages 12 to 18s, we believe that young people are the leaders we need to create the healthy, just and vibrant schools all of our communities deserve. We believe the board should vote yes because it is important for youth to be able to learn how to register to vote and learn more about Oakland Youth Vote, Young People are the primary recipients of the decisions that OUSD makes and voter registration should be a priority to build a representative democracy & OUSD has the opportunity to set an example as a pioneer by implementing voter engagement programming to high school students and taking the first step in being a District committed to civic engagement.