Meeting Time: April 27, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

S.-3 22-0663 Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2021-2022 by and between the District and Marram Collaborative LLC, Beverly Shores, IN, for the latter to design interdisciplinary, hands-on, garden-forward learning experiences that complement taught curriculum, integrate arts-based approaches to teaching/learning and Incorporate nature-based Social-Emotional Learning through an ecological lens for all students, as described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, at Peralta Elementary School, for the period of February 1, 2022 through May 25, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $10,080.00.

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    DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices PreTeenBatteryAndStalker almost 3 years ago

    To the Ombudsperson: Fact. You were told about Mr Barclift's public assault and battery youtube video of a black adult male knocking out another black adult male with a 2x4, you then advised him to remove it without terminating Mr Barclift. Fact. Mr Barclift then shortly later posted another video on his youtube of the same thing but different people, time, place. This was also reported to you and the Board at this forum yet you still ignored it. Fact. Mr Barclift is still employed at OUSD. Fact. Mr Barclift assaulted two pre-teen white males in late 1980's with the same style 2x4. One of those kids died from suicide the same year OUSD hired Mr Barclift in 2009. Fact.
    Mr Barclift falsely misled the OUSD general public to believe that he was a former ARMY cook in North Carolina when in fact he was a former Marines cook in San Diego County, CA. See "OUSD Food Hero"

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    Melissa Mandel almost 3 years ago

    I do wholly support the intent of integrating learning and gardening. I object however to outsourcing this position. OUSD should be hiring union members to develop and implement such programs across the district for the significant benefits it will bring to all students. Bring the work in-house for all.

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    Renee Swayne almost 3 years ago

    Why do you need to hire a consultant to do what OUSD administrators are paid to do? Stop wasting our funds on things that you already have staff that should be qualified and are well paid enough to be able to do.