Meeting Time: April 27, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

K.-1 22-0932 Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - April 27, 2022.

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    Cathy Rosenfeld over 2 years ago

    Please reconsider your hasty and harmful decision to close schools. The decision to close schools was made with almost no community engagement and with no evidence of savings from past closures. . Please take time to reconsider what your hasty decision will mean for black and brown communities that have already born the brunt of school closures. You have a chance to make this right. Please do what you should have done- engage the community, study the effects of past closures, exhaust ALL other possible means to save money. It is not right to harm to students who have suffered enough in the past two years. Remember those children's voices and tears at meetings that lasted last midnight? Please listen to and support students. They want and deserve to stay in their neighborhood schools where they feel safe and nurtured. They do not need further change and disruption. The way the resolution on closures was handled this year was truly awful. You can do better.

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    Alice Kawazoe over 2 years ago

    Your decision to close and restructure schools negatively impacts Oakland's most vulnerable students and families. Black and Brown students deserve the benefits of neighborhood/community schools--a nurturing learning environment, comfort and safety, long-lasting relationships, caring adults--and not be targeted as a cast-away financial liability. Further, we have not been provided evidence that closures result in cost savings. Top-down decisions about closures only feed the communities' distrust of the district decision-makers and convince families that their voices are not only unimportant, but willfully unheard. Please reconsider your resolutions on school closures.

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    Jackie Shonerd over 2 years ago

    School closures must stop as they impact Black and Brown students disproportionately. Please reconsider your resolutions on school closures. There has never been any evidence of significant savings despite MANY requests by our organizations (EDS and Wellstone) for evidence. Nor has there been any serious engagment with the affected communities despite Board resolutions requiring that. Nor any study made of impact on our most vulnerable communities, particularly our Black community which as we all know will be the most negatively impacted by school closures. Cut from Central Office and end rent paying at 1000 Broadway ($3K+ per month!). Move Central Office administrators to free spaces at school sites as was successfully done after 1025 2nd Ave. was flooded. Thank you!

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    Renee Swayne over 2 years ago

    As a member of the public I expect the district to provide EVIDENCE of why the decision is made to close schools. Over the years it has been a generic explanation but never clear evidence of savings, or even of negative affects caused by these actions. Doing the same egregious things over and over and expecting better results without any thought or consideration is very close to insanity. And it is driving many of us crazy!!!

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    David Weintraub over 2 years ago

    Please reconsider your resolutions on school closures. There has never been any evidence of savings despite many many requests by our organizations (EDS and Wellstone) for evidence. Nor has there been any serious engagment with the effected communities despite Board resolutions requiring that. Nor any study made of impact on our most vulnerable communities, particularly our Black community which as we all know will be the most negatively impacted.