Meeting Time: March 23, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

V.-2 22-0470 Ratification by the Board of Education of a Services Agreement 2021-2022 by and between the District and Bay Area Transport Services, Oakland, CA, for the latter to provide: shuttle Transportation for Staff via Transportation Services Department for the period of August 9, 2021, through June 30, 2022 in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00.

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    Carol Delton almost 3 years ago

    Whew! I remember hearing at a Board meeting a couple of years ago…at least…that staff parking related to 1000 Broadway was no longer going to be a cost covered by the district. This contract now seems to be a covert way of dealing with that, especially since so many staff work virtually at least part of the time. It is also of concern that while this contract headlines as also providing wheelchair transportation for the Young Adult program (which is no longer based at Cole), the background only cites staff needs at 100 Broadway.

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    Kim Davis almost 3 years ago

    Really? This is a post dated contract (bad) but also reflects a complete lack of concern for budgetary integrity and making decisions that are kid centered (and how many years has this been going on?) This and $40,000 worth of Empanadas from earlier in the year would pay for at least another teacher. How many employees are actually in the building right now? How many are paid less than say $100,000 per year? What is the cost of parking and what have you done before? So many questions. No good answers.

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    Judi Burle almost 3 years ago

    So in addition to spending millions each year to rent high-priced office space at 1000 Broadway (and $5 million more until Aug. 2023) instead of using existing OUSD space, OUSD has been spending $5000/month to SHUTTLE employees to and from District Office from the Cole parking lot? And justified because downtown parking is scarce and expensive?? Was that a surprise after you moved in? Another example of waste.