S.-1 22-0556 Approval by the Board of Education of District's A-G Completion Improvement Grant 2022 - Activities and Expenditure Plan for $3,107,589.00 to "increase or improve services for unduplicated pupils to improve A-G eligibility," and authorization for the Superintendent of Schools or designee to file Plan as statutorily required.
A couple of years ago, there was a presentation on the 8 period day and how it could both benefit students by providing the opportunity for support and enrichment during the school day and also provide an economy to the district. Has analysis been done? Master scheduling was brought up at the last presentation on this item as an area which needs more exploration. Can the district leverage these limited time funds to work on scheduling that works the best for the most students and families…not necessarily the same at every site, but having a plan across the district to use scheduling to address student and family needs.
A couple of years ago, there was a presentation on the 8 period day and how it could both benefit students by providing the opportunity for support and enrichment during the school day and also provide an economy to the district. Has analysis been done? Master scheduling was brought up at the last presentation on this item as an area which needs more exploration. Can the district leverage these limited time funds to work on scheduling that works the best for the most students and families…not necessarily the same at every site, but having a plan across the district to use scheduling to address student and family needs.