R.-1 22-0170 8:00 P.M.
Decision Public Hearing - [Approval by] Board of Education of Francophone Charter School Material Revision - Partial Relocation of School Facilities - for Grades TK-8 - July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025 - pursuant to Education Code Section 47605.
This board should approve this item AND should direct the superintendent to ensure that EVERY future material revision is on a pre-approval only basis as the ACOE does so that this does not happen again. OUSD has a history of allowing charter schools to do as they wish, and they know it. This needs to stop now.
This board should approve this item AND should direct the superintendent to ensure that EVERY future material revision is on a pre-approval only basis as the ACOE does so that this does not happen again. OUSD has a history of allowing charter schools to do as they wish, and they know it. This needs to stop now.