V.-14 22-0482 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0122B - Amendment of Classified Employees Reduction in Force Due to Lack of Funds and/or Lack of Work (2022/23 Fiscal Year) which provides for the reduction in force, reinstatement, increase, or creation of authorized classified positions based on lack of funds and/or lack of work as reflected through the Budget Development process for 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.
No layoffs or reductions of classified staff. Reverse your decision to close neighborhood schools. There is a $45.7 billion surplus in state. OUSD has the necessary reserves to keep schools running.
No layoffs or reductions of classified staff. Reverse your decision to close neighborhood schools. There is a $45.7 billion surplus in state. OUSD has the necessary reserves to keep schools running.