Meeting Time: March 09, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

V.-1 22-0543 Approval by the Board of Education of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Category 1 E-Rate Internet Services Contracts between named vendors listed below and the District, 1) subject to form and content approval by the General Counsel, 2) subject to receipt of E-Rate Funding and California Teleconnect Funds, therefor, and 3) appropriation by the Board in Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget of the Projected District Portion of funds, specified herein: 1) Vendor: Sonic, Santa Rosa, CA; Service: Transport and Internet Service Provider (ISP) Services; Term: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025; Contract Amount: $244,800.00; Projected District Portion: $12,240.00*; and 2) Vendor: AT&T, San Ramon, CA; Service: Transport to Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE); Term: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025; Contract Amount: $103,615.20; Projected District Portion: $5,181.00*; and 3) Vendor: Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE), Hayward, CA; Service: ISP Services; Term: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2027; Contract Amount: $354,500.00; Projected District Portion*: $17,725.00. -- *Plus Tax

  • 4793724363996415
    Gabriel Petlin about 3 years ago

    As the father of 2 children at Hillcrest K-8, I urge the Board to honor the previously announced August 15 1st day school (Item V). This date was announced months ago. Changing now is unfair. Many families including mine made summer travel and camp plans based on that start date. My family has non-refundable plane tickets to visit family on the East Coast. Changing tickets is very expensive not to mention lost time with relatives. Summer plans need certainty and BOE disregards the needs of OUSD families who want to see their relatives after two years of pandemic. After travel disruption and cancelled and camps, we all just want a normal happy summer with camps and travel. The Board is suddenly interrupting our plans which is inconsiderate. Very few families know this vote is happening tonight. Out of respect for the families please post-pone this vote and take time to find out what families of OUSD want. Please delay the vote, or better honor the date you selected as Aug 15.