Meeting Time: March 09, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

P.-1 22-0497 Superintendent's Report - March 9, 2022: Highlights from Schools ? Rooted in Reading Challenge, Rise/ New Highland Black Student Thriving Data Quarterly Report ? Data review Covid Safety Protocols ? Testing, Vaccine Implementation & Mask Update Enrollment & Attendance ? Enrollment & Attendance Counts & Strategies

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    Deidre Robinson about 3 years ago

    I am asking that the Superintendent publicly renew her commitment to implementing the Reparations for Black Student Resolution and closing the achievement gap for Black Students.
    Stay true OUSD to our schools by centering the needs of Black students. Unfortunately, recent decisions to close schools that serve majority Black students are blatant actions that uphold anti-Black racism in OUSD. The Oakland community, myself included, is fed up with the inaction of the board and senior leadership to end harm and adequately educate black children.

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    Kim Davis about 3 years ago

    The Superintendent's mandated quarterly reporting on progress for Black students as mandated by the Reparations resolution is inadequate and further evidence of how this district is not committed to implementing the Reparations Resolution adopted just one year ago. The Board just exempted itself from this and other Board policies to push forward school closures of majority Black schools without an Equity Impact Analysis or any community engagement. Now the Superintendent is reporting a few data items without any context and without a plan to address it. It is beyond time that this district get serious about serving Black students.

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    Shaniah Ritzie about 3 years ago

    Kyla has failed to transparently communicate how her administration and OUSD schools are centering the needs of Black students. Recent decisions to close schools that serve majority Black students are blatant actions that uphold anti-Black racism in OUSD. Instead of using data to show more than half of all Black Students are chronically absent , why not ask why these students aren't showing up, what are the lived experiences of the students your labeling as apathetic through these statistics. Jerome Gourdine has been chronically absent and has failed to make himself a household name in the Black school community. These inititives are on paper backed by funding and have little to no turn out. Show us the numbers how many Black Families has the Office of Equity engaged, How many students are participating in the AAMA and AAFE initiaves. I am fed up with the inaction of the board and senior leadership to end harm, adequately educate and support Black children. DO BETTER!