Meeting Time: March 10, 2022 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0278 Discussion by the Budget and Finance Committee, with the Chief Business Officer, or designee, of District's Second Interim Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2021-2022 - As of January 31, 2022.

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    ViolentChildAttackerAndStalkerEmployedByOUSD DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices almost 3 years ago

    Mandated reporters, PTA, Board,
    This man is now facing 5 years in prison for battery of a high school student
    Why does the Ombudsperson Mr Valenzuela and the Board think that Mr Barclift is different from this man or the many other school employees that are terminated for assaulting children? Even if OUSD only has a complaint of a past incident and his malicious intention of seeking employment at a school district, what they DO have physical undeniable proof of is TWO videos on his public youtube channel of a man assaulting another man with a 2x4 lumber beam the exact same weapon he used to beat the two kids with. One of which was affected so traumatically that they died from a drug overdose twenty years later. Why has the Ombudsperson and board turned a blind eye to the evidence of those videos?

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    Carol Delton about 3 years ago

    1) At this week’s BOE meeting, it was mentioned that the 2d interim reflected about 20 million out of 40 million of budget adjustments made by the Board. What areas have not just been adjusted and when will that be seen in the Budget?
    2) Perhaps related, regarding notes on p.2 of Form MYP: What is the effect of ACOE disapproving the $2.8M Shift in Grade 4-5 supplemental staffing, and the $3.8M Contribution Reduction to SPED being deemed non viable? What was the rationale for denying the shift in Grade 4-5 supplemental staffing? What does it mean that “Current school site eliminations are included for all funds totaling: $12.2M $8.1M ($5.9M Base), Unrestricted and $$4.1M Restricted?”

    3) I observe on the SACS Form Cash that 3 categories (Classified Salaries, Employee Benefits and Books & Supplies) all show a marked increase in the June outgo estimate, much more than either months for which outgo is verified or estimated. Please explain.