Meeting Time: February 23, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

W.-1 22-0468 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0077 - Delaying School Consolidations Until 2023-24.

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    Benita Torres about 3 years ago

    As a teacher working in OUSD, I support the proposal to postpone school closures.

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    ViolentChildAttackerAndStalkerEmployedByOUSD DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices about 3 years ago

    PTA, mandated reporters,
    Around 1988 Mr Donnie Barclift severely beat two 11,12 year old kids with a 2x4 lumber beam. One of those children later died as an adult in 2009 from a drug overdose, the same year Mr Barclift was hired by OUSD. After hired, he uploaded videos of attackers assaulting victims with a 2x4 on his public youtube channel. The turpitude behind Mr Barclift uploading the videos and seeking employment at OUSD are the same; he thinks children are the easiest victims and he is looking for more victims. He planned his move to the Bay Area after 2003 to find a job at a school district because he learned in 2003 that is what one of his child victims did in 2000. This all was reported to the Ombudsperson Mr Valenzuela but he just let Mr Barclift delete the videos. Take action and terminate Mr Barclift for evident unfitness and persistent violations.

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    Amy DaSilva about 3 years ago

    Please put the brakes on these incredibly hasty school closures and conduct an equity impact analysis before any decisions are made.

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    Jackie Horridge about 3 years ago

    I support the proposal to postpone school closures. Families of color, Hispanic and low income families have disproportionately born the brunt of the pandemic - and are still reeling. Closing schools their schools so soon is a tragedy. There must be another way. Delaying the closures is necessary to fully assess the impact and address inequity. Time to look for a fairer way to balance budgets, and time to properly support affected families in finding other options. This is a HUGE deal, and should not be rushed.

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    David Carrigan about 3 years ago

    Due diligence!

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    Natasha Saleski about 3 years ago

    Please postpone these senseless closures.

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    Colleen Rau about 3 years ago

    Please vote to delay all school closures and consolidations. OUSD needs time to perform the required equity impact analysis and students and families at impacted sites need time to weigh in, adapt and plan. This is from an OUSD teacher, parent and Oakland voter in district 6.

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    Jennifer Schmitz about 3 years ago

    I support new business item to delay school consolidations because our kids and families have already been through so much. Please let them have the gift of time.

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    Loraine Woodard about 3 years ago

    I support delaying school closures. This is way to fast and our communities, our students and parents. deserve to be fully heard.

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    Adrian Romero about 3 years ago

    This is much more traumatic than it needs to be because if the speed. The community clearly wants to slow down.

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    Meredith Wallis about 3 years ago

    As an OUSD Parent in the fourth district, I support anything that pauses or halts school closures for all the reasons that everyone has been leaving in these comments and in the public hearing section since y'all started this mess.

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    Christie Chu about 3 years ago

    I support the resolution to postpone school closures. It is a step in repairing the irreparable damage and distrust done by the Board on the community of Oakland. There should be no school closures period. School closures are racist and traumatic for our Black and Brown and disabled communities. For once, listen and truly represent the needs of the communities that you serve. Thank you Mike and VanCedric for standing with the community.

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    Sharon Thomas about 3 years ago

    Please do not close schools, especially during the pandemic, without the appetite community engagement. “Chop from the top.”

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    Sophie Netter about 3 years ago

    I oppose school closures and believe an equity analysis should be conducted as well.

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    Sami Goski about 3 years ago

    I vote in favor of delaying school closures. In actuality, I vote to NOT close schools at all. I am trying to determine what the end game is here, and it seems that this is an effort to privatize schools, leaving us with a collection of charter schools with no union, and selling the land under OUR schools to developers. That, or something like it is the only thing that makes sense here. It is my hope that we can take back the school board from: Gary Yee, Sam Davis, Aimee Eng, Shanthi Gonzales, and Clifford Thompson and elect members who support keeping public education public and will work to get our schools the support they need instead of closing them. Thank you to Mike Hutchinson and VanCedric Williams for being the board members we need.

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    Katharine Shepard about 3 years ago

    I support postponing closures til an equity analysis has been submitted

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    Rochelle Jenkins about 3 years ago

    I support to move forward to delay school closings. Ever community deserves a school in a close radius of their communities! Please yield to request of the parents, teachers, and students of the communities being affected by this.

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    Jen Bellenger about 3 years ago

    As an OUSD Parent in D4, I support the decision to delay school closures and consolidations until an equity impact analysis takes place.

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    Heather Quinones about 3 years ago

    I support this resolution.

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    Joseph Ayers about 3 years ago

    I fully support the proposal to delay these closures. As a new teacher in OUSD I can tell you I am here to help out schools become a place where more students will want to come to. As a former student of OUSD I can tell you that having to change schools is traumatic. I went to 12 schools before I graduated HS. Let’s not make a decision right now that will force so many children to experience this.