Meeting Time: February 24, 2022 at 6:00pm PST

Agenda Item

G.-2 22-0474 A Report to and discussion by and between the Charter Matters Committee and the Executive Director, Charter Schools Office, or Designee, on the Shared Feedback from Attendees at two (2) Board Policy - BP 0420.4 - Philosophy, Goals and Objectives - Charter Schools Engagements held, individually and separately, by two Charter Matters Committee Members.

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    ViolentChildAttackerAndStalkerEmployedByOUSD DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices about 3 years ago

    To PTA, and mandated reporters,
    Around 1988 Mr Donnie Barclift severely beat two 11,12 year old kids with a 2'x4' lumber beam. One of those children later died as an adult in 2009 from a drug overdose. Over the years Mr Barclift has uploaded various videos of attackers assaulting victims with a 2'x4' on his public youtube channel. The moral turpitude behind Mr Barclift uploading all these videos and his seeking employment at OUSD are the same - he thinks young people are the easiest victims and he was looking for more. He moved to Northern California in 2009 to find a job at a school district because he learned that is what one of his above mentioned child victims did in 2000. This was reported to the Ombudsperson Mr Valenzuela but he just let Mr Barclift delete the videos. Take action and terminate Mr Barclift for evident unfitness and persistent violations.