Meeting Time: February 09, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

K.-1 22-0207 Public Comment On All Non-Agenda Items Within The Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the District - February 9, 2022.

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    Anna Rosenfeld about 3 years ago

    As an OUSD graduate, proud Oakland resident, and Oakland teacher, there are not adequate words to describe the shame, anger, infuriation, disappointment, and deep sadness I feel after watching the Board meeting. There is no grey area on this issue- closing schools is wrong. It is traumatizing. It is racist. It is cruel. And it will not save this district’s problems. It will not reverse the years of mismanagement, community harm, and betrayal OUSD has inflicted, particularly the Black and Brown communities of Oakland who are the soul of our city. I work as a school based sub and everyday I see the effects of change and inconsistency on students who hold trauma. Even not having their teacher there for one day can be extremely scary and dis-regulating for some. Just think of that times a million when students are ripped from the safety nets they have built at their schools. No amount of money poured into “welcoming schools” will repair that harm. This is a moment in history- do better.

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    Kate Sbani about 3 years ago

    I am an OUSD teacher. I oppose the disrespectful Resolution that was passed last night + the irrelevant amendments that were added at the last. How did Davis/Eng determine which schools to save if there was no equity impact analysis? How can OUSD adopt this Resolution after ACOE passed a community driven resolution to DENOUNCE this racist move?

    I am also disturbed by the obvious tone policing that board members, especially the President, seems to enjoy imposing on Director Williams + Hutchinson. I see the Board President cut these Directors off right at the end of their clock but do not cut off the other Directors. I see the Board President talk OVER these Directors while listening silently to the other Directors. It is obvious that you are intentionally silencing their voices because they do not push the same privatizing agenda as you + the neoliberal think-tanks that funded your campaigns.

    I seriously look forward to canvassing for your opponent in future school board campaigns.

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    Linda Selph about 3 years ago

    That amendment was as much garbage as the original proposal. Rescind all school closures until you have engaged the community equitably.

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    Josh Beth about 3 years ago

    Watching you vote last night to close schools was truly awful. Years ago I was an OUSD teacher. I came to the district fresh out of a program for folks who chose to teach in inner city schools. During our training we met Ms. Carrie Secret, model teacher at Prescott Elementary for decades. I grew up in inner city schools; I was ready to give back to my community. When I got to OUSD, I was appalled to experience a district doing everything counter to best practices. Where research showed students thrive in smaller classes, in smaller schools, in communities with folks who know them, Oakland instead oversized classrooms and schools. I witnessed the intentional under-resourcing of schools, with tragic results for students in dire need of supports. I watched students graduate totally unequipped for successful lives. Decades later, this Board continues to perpetuate the downward spiral of this district, callously setting the stage for failure, while paying six figure salaries to admin.