Meeting Time: February 08, 2022 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0243 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0030 - School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24. · Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools of recommendations for School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24 · Public Comments on proposed School Consolidations · Discussion of the Board by and between Members and/or the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee(s) · Action by Board on Resolution No. 2122-0030

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    Jessica Gray over 2 years ago

    I continue to oppose this inequitable proposal. This list almost exclusively impacts low income students of color and students with special needs, the same students most impacted by the pandemic. Families are in desperate need of stability and a strong sense of belonging, not further trauma. These human connections matter, and it is the responsibility of this board to conduct a full equity impact analysis and consider alternatives. 10M in one time funds is not worth this upheaval and teachers and staff have no capacity to do this right on this timeline. This will further harm a generation of children, and other alternatives must be considered, including loan forgiveness. The range of potential savings is very wide (4M-14M) and leaves me unclear that you have a clear picture of the true financial impact. Take a pause, and do the hard work of really engaging the entire community around potential solutions that protect our most vulnerable students.

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    Paul MacIntyre over 2 years ago

    I support our students and teachers. Community school are essential for our cities and society. Please do not close schools.

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    Alicia Lewis over 2 years ago

    It is immoral shutting down schools that serve predominately black and brown students. These are the exact spaces that need to be invested in the most as these students are the ones most impacted by inequities in housing, food security, pay inequities, climate change, etc. Education is one of the few vehicles of mobility in this country. You cannot continue to de-invest in the most marginalized communities and expect them to find ways to succeed. Budgets are moral documents and show where priorities lie.

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    Ligia Gonzalez over 2 years ago

    Children need stability now more than ever.Closing schools is not the solution to Oakland's budget crisis. We need better solutions. Please think about all the kids, that are going to be affected. This is not fair for our children. They been through a lot. First the pandemic which we are still in it, and now this! May GOD help us.
    I oppose the proposed school closures.

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    Juli Ward over 2 years ago

    Now is not the time to close schools! Doing so would disrupt the work students, teachers and families have been doing this year in spite of still being in a pandemic. I wish the board would stand behind OUSD's motto and stand up for "community schools, thriving students"

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    Rachel Milner over 2 years ago

    I am a teaching artist from Prescott Circus Theater. I have taught at both Prescott Elementary and Parker Elementary/Middle. How can the board say they are doing "what's best for students", when they are planning to close and consolidate community school spaces, when they would be ridding the one sense of normalcy kids have during a pandemic? Closing schools that serve majority youth of color is not only racist, it is cruel. Listen to their voices. Really take in the public comment from students. Who are you making this decision for? How do we as adults model creativity and coming together, rather than giving up and doing what's easiest and most lucrative? Keep school open!

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    Mark Fritzel over 2 years ago

    Please take a step back and don't add to the long history of anti black racism in Oakland.

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    Shelly Gleason over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose OUSD’s proposal to close and merge schools. I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Resolution. There are other ways to handle a budget crisis and OUSD’s own history of racist policies and school closures is a clear indicator that closing schools will not produce the desired district savings. Do not close or merge the schools!

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    Saralyn Lefkowitz over 2 years ago

    Our job is to support students, families and teachers. Small schools were the child and family is known by the school staff gives a sense of community and belonging. Relationships lay the foundation for academic success. I strongly urge you to come up with a plan that involves the community, and helps people heal from the COVID pandemic. Manzanita school is an example of a high functioning school with good enrollment that meets community needs and serves a community of color. There is no need to punish this school and destroy all the work it has done by closing it or merging it with Fruitvale school. I urge you to withdraw the current school closure plan.

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    Julie Mendoza over 2 years ago

    When Oakland enforced redlining as a discriminatory housing practice to keep brown and black families in the flats, they had the resilience to build their own communities, schools, and resources, and today in 2022 somehow you believe it is your right to take away what for so long has been a product of individual and communal resilience. You yourself have openly acknowledged that these closures discriminate against black and brown students. That is your legacy if you vote yes. Many will find it difficult to justify staying in a district that would force its constituents to fight for their right to exist rather than initiatives that work toward academic growth and meeting educator needs.

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    Jennifer Doe over 2 years ago

    Do not close our schools!

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    Reina Cabezas over 2 years ago

    I hear inconsistencies in the data collection process, discrepancies around how exactly money will be saved? How do we know that students will make academic gains with this action?; Why is academic performance data used to determine which schools to close? It seems like we need more staff and support not less? How putting students and teachers who are already "underperforming" through more stress will raise academic performance?; How will we have more support for students and families not less?; If more students have to travel more, will the district be acquiring and maintaining sustainable transportation and staff to keep that up?; How [slide 30] Roots students "received less D's and F's and less suspensions in 19-20"?; How was this data collected exactly?; How many of Roots students left the district after closure? What information do we need to make unbiased and unfair decisions? The data may be true AND unfair simultaneously.

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    Reina Cabezas over 2 years ago

    I hear inconsistencies in the data collection process, discrepancies around how exactly money will be saved? How do we know that students will make academic gains with this action?; Why is academic performance data used to determine which schools to close? It seems like we need more staff and support not less? How putting students and teachers who are already "underperforming" through more stress will raise academic performance?; How will we have more support for students and families not less?; If more students have to travel more, will the district be acquiring and maintaining sustainable transportation and staff to keep that up?; How [slide 30] Roots students "received less D's and F's and less suspensions in 19-20"?; How was this data collected exactly?; How many of Roots students left the district after closure? What information do we need to make unbiased and unfair decisions? The data may be true AND unfair simultaneously.

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    Kaitra Sbragia over 2 years ago

    You are clowns. These closures are paving the way for charter schools to steal away more of our students because THEY are staying in these neighborhoods by usurping our vacated spaces. It is clear you care nothing for the socioemotional health of these impacted families and students who have already been battered by this ONGOING pandemic. By continuously blaming decreasing enrollment *ahem charter schools* and ushering entire neighborhoods into already stretched neighboring schools, you might as well schedule our NEXT school closure meeting because families will no longer trust this district and will flock to-you guessed it- charter schools. You are sending a clear message: ONLY RICH AND WHITE KIDS DESERVE SMALL CLASS SIZES. SHAME ON YOU.

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    Sharon Lebenkoff over 2 years ago

    I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Resolution and am opposed to OUSD’s attempt to balance the budget on the backs of our Black students. This board has failed to engage the community tonight's decision will impact nor has the board conducted a necessary equity impact analysis. There are other ways to handle a budget crisis and OUSD’s own history of school closures is a clear indicator that closing schools will not produce the desired district savings. Hands off our schools!

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    Lauren West over 2 years ago

    Don’t close Brookfield

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    Amanda Seaton over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose the proposed school closures.

    This board should immediately:
    1. Immediately perform an equity impact analysis of all proposed school closures and publish the results of that analysis
    2. Re-commit to the Reparations for Black Students Resolution which you passed last year (or have we already forgotten about that?)
    3. Study the impact of closures on students with disabilities
    WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE THAT ANY OF THE CLOSRES THAT OCCURED in the PAST 10 YEARS had any positive impact on STUDENTS!!!!! Did you even track students after schools were closed?!?
    Voting before these steps are taken will send the clear message that OUSD cares more about money than students.

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    Stephanie Sturges over 2 years ago

    Closing or consolidating schools will not solve the financial woes of OUSD, especially when rushing a proposal that has the potential to DAMAGE students & their opportunity to an education, the communities in which these schools sit, the families who rely upon neighborhood schools and community support. This has been an unfair and rushed proposal that does not keep the interests of the students, families, and communities that would be impacted by these closures/consolidations. OUSD has not done the appropriate outreach or analysis to determine what the impacts (mostly detrimental) would be to these students, schools, and communities. OUSD has not taken into consideration the various ways that this would strip mostly Black and brown children from an accessible and high-quality education. You cannot pass this proposal with a clear conscience. These are our schools and community hubs and we deserve a say in what happens within our community. STOP SCHOOL CLOSURES + ANTIBLACK AGENDAS.

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    Brian Hinch over 2 years ago

    I *strongly* oppose the proposed school closures.

    This board should immediately:
    1. Immediately perform an equity impact analysis of all proposed school closures and publish the results of that analysis
    2. Re-commit to the Reparations for Black Students Resolution which you passed last year (or have we already forgotten about that?)
    3. Give the public a real opportunity to provide written comment on how to balance the budget, not just utilizing a board meeting

    Voting before these steps are taken will send the clear message that OUSD cares more about office space than students.

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    Wally Scott over 2 years ago

    Using the excuse of adverse social, emotional and educational impacts as an excuse to keep schools open during a global pandemic, only to permanently shut down and/ or merge schools is the ultimate example of incompetence and hypocrisy. These closures will do irreparable harm to the Oakland community. This is completely thoughtless and senseless, and an act of violence to Black and Brown poor and working families.