Meeting Time: February 08, 2022 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0243 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0030 - School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24. · Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools of recommendations for School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24 · Public Comments on proposed School Consolidations · Discussion of the Board by and between Members and/or the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee(s) · Action by Board on Resolution No. 2122-0030

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    Matthew Brown over 2 years ago

    "I am embarrassed to say that there has been no equity analysis that I know of to date," with regard to these proposed school closures. These are the on-the-record words of Dr. Gary Yee, speaking to a group of Hillcrest parents last Friday. I have asked Dr. Yee and other members of the school board to please review the California Department of Education "Closing a School Best Practices Guide" in advance of tonight's vote. OUSD has fallen woefully short in meeting these carefully considered state recommendations. There is no explanation, no justification for circumventing what should be a robust, monthslong process involving all stakeholders. I strongly oppose.

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    Carlos Briones over 2 years ago

    My name is Carlos Briones I go to Fremont high I think we shouldn’t close schools because that is not good to students who want to learn.

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    Sam Kober over 2 years ago

    As an Oakland teacher I strongly oppose these school closures. This is not the solution to the budget crisis. You rushed this through with no community input or time to strategize a plan that would be best for all. Stop balancing your budget on the backs of black and brown students. You are just perpetuating the existent systemic racism at play by closing these schools and raffling off the campuses to the highest charter school bidder. If you vote to pass this all your anti-racism “work” and support of black students was just lip service.

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    Richard Eichmann over 2 years ago

    I oppose the hasty, short-sided, and inequitable proposal to close and/or merge so many schools so quickly. The list disproportionately impacts low-income students of color and students with special needs, includes an unrealistic timeline for community engagement and proper planning, and negligently lacks an Equity Impact Analysis mandated by the reparations resolution passed last year. It is not clear that OUSD has adequately considered alternatives to closures. Nationwide studies have shown school closures do not save money nor do they improve outcomes for impacted students. This plan will hurt our most vulnerable families who are feeling the impacts of the pandemic the most.

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    Jen Bellenger over 2 years ago

    As an OUSD parent in district 4, I oppose this proposal and urge the board to vote NO on school closures and consolidations for the next school year - especially while we are in the midst of a pandemic. Oakland children need the stability of their school communities. It is unfair and cruel to move forward with this plan that disproportionately impacts marginalized communities. OUSD needs to engage in a more thorough and thoughtful process of outreach to the Oakland community around this decision making.

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    Jess Olson over 2 years ago

    As an OUSD parent, I strongly oppose closing any of our schools, especially majority Black ones. Nationwide studies have shown school closures do not save money nor do they improve outcomes for impacted students. This is an inequitable, hasty, and short-sided proposal. The school closure list disproportionately impacts low-income students of color and students with special needs, includes an unrealistic timeline for community engagement and proper planning, and negligently lacks an Equity Impact Analysis.

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    Jessica Brasch over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose moving forward with this rushed school closure process. Not one of the steps outlined in the CA Dept. of Ed’s “Closing a School Best Practices Guide” have been followed. There simply has not been enough time. When did the fact-gathering of a cross-section of community members occur? Where are the enrollment projections (beyond the baseless “assumptions” of the district’s consultants)? Where is the equity impact analysis? When was the CEQA analysis conducted? Where is the identification of transportation options for displaced students? What other options have been considered? None of these vital questions have been answered at this time. The district and the board seem to think it is best to “rip off the band aid” and deal with the implementation of these closures at a later date. But no amount of community engagement or transition services will be enough to fix the profound breach of trust caused by this vote. It’s not too late to right this wrong. Please vote no.

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    Sarah Shere over 2 years ago

    This school closure plan is rushed and under even the most aggressive consultant projections, does not make a significant dent in the district's deficit. Furthermore, those projections are highly sensitive to the assumptions they're based upon, and those assumptions (particularly around student attrition) are not supported by either past OUSD school closures nor by estimates from Equity Allies. Finally, closing pillars of neighborhood stability with almost no community input after two years of incredible disruption due to the pandemic is unconscionable, particularly given the disproportionate impact on black and brown students. I urge the Oakland board to postpone the vote until this resourceful, invested community can *partner* to develop solutions to the budget crisis.

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    Aspyn Oakes over 2 years ago

    Solidarity and resistance to students, teachers, school workers, parents and community against school closures within OUSD. NO MORE CLOSURES!

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    Kate Garf over 2 years ago

    No to school closures! Show me that they save money. Let’s invest in teachers so we can save money on teacher turnover and make OUSD a more functional place to work! Better teachers = increased learning = stronger communities.

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    Itzamar Carmona over 2 years ago

    I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Resolution and am opposed to OUSD’s attempt to balance the budget on the backs of our Black students. This board has failed to engage the community tonight's decision will impact nor has the board conducted a necessary equity impact analysis. There are other ways to handle a budget crisis and OUSD’s own history of school closures is a clear indicator that closing schools will not produce the desired district savings. Hands off our schools!

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    Jennifer Quintanilla over 2 years ago

    I urge the board to vote no on the closures and consolidations of schools. Voting yes is an attack on our Black and Brown students. Work with the community to find other ways to fund our schools. Charter schools will only make the school to prison pipeline stronger. Listen to the community and work with them to find better ways that do not traumatize our students and staff.

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    Carla Schick over 2 years ago

    As an Oakland resident & taxpayer, as a retired teacher, I stand in support of the demands of the BIPOC communities and the educators & support staff in OUSD to demand that there be NO SCHOOL CLOSURES. Fund the schools; ensure that OUSD has anti-racist policies. OUSD has the money to support community schools. Stop traumatizing our BIPOC students. Make cuts as far away from the schools as possible--the district office & admin, and other areas not directly impacting students & families. Listen to the community -- not the consultants you paid a fortune to tell us how to run our city. Close charter schools. OUSD has the money to live up to its promises to repair the harm done to Black and Indigenous students. School bd: be anti-racist activists, go to the state and demand our money back now.

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    Laura Gorman over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose this measure. Closing these schools will disproportionately effect black and brown children.

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    J K over 2 years ago

    I absolutely oppose this measure. Instead of trying to shutter these schools, the Board should be trying to find actual solutions to the budget shortages that the district is facing. Closing these schools will only hurt students and families, as well as make way for further gentrification of our communities.

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    Robin Walker over 2 years ago

    Do not let the Alameda County School Board overrule your moral compasses. Go back to the drawing board and be active in the future of children.

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    Jayla Pablomartin over 2 years ago

    Hello my name is Jayla (she, her)Freshment and i'm part of fremont hight school. And I don't think we should close schools because it's not fair for the students mostly for the students of color. This is not fair because we as a student we want something in the future a job we care about education. It is not fair to close schools that are close to my neighborhood. Me and my family we really try their best to be in school something my Dad doesn't go to work because of my education, he wants the best for me, but now if youal close the school it will just make it more harder for us.
    Thank you so much for you time sincerely Jayla

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    Yetti Obasade over 2 years ago

    Opposing the merging/closure of schools. Other methods of money generation and school support can be generated through more brainstorming sessions with the community. Sidelining black and brown children to save 2% of the budget isn’t right.

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    charome davis over 2 years ago

    i am charome davis and i attend fremont high school and i think we shouldnt close down schools because we need schools.

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    Edward Cortez over 2 years ago

    I oppose the closure of Oakland Schools. As a resident of neighboring Union City I have witnessed how school closure and consolidation impacts the children from the communities where the schools are closing. My children’s elementary school along with their future middle school, is overcrowded, and understaffed. This is what will happen to OUSD. OUSD has the opportunity to keep class sizes smaller, and make a larger impact on the individual learning of each student. Once you take that away you will never get it back. Do the right thing for teachers and students, and families keep the schools open.