Meeting Time: February 08, 2022 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0243 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0030 - School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24. · Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools of recommendations for School Consolidations for Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24 · Public Comments on proposed School Consolidations · Discussion of the Board by and between Members and/or the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee(s) · Action by Board on Resolution No. 2122-0030

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    Vanessa Cerda over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose school closures. Funds have already been taken away from libraries and recreational centers, why do you, OUSD, want to continue to disenfranchise the Black community, schools is all that’s left in our communities. You’ve already taken so much, why more?! For some, these schools are the only place to have a hot meal or the only times some feel safe. PLEASE just stop hurting our communities, our communities are already suffering from so much pain. Get funding from elsewhere, don’t take it from our future generations who are already hurting!

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    SM Moorthy over 2 years ago

    I am the executive director of Tandem, Partners in Early Learning, an early learning nonprofit organization. We have been partnering with OUSD for over a decade, and we serve PK, TK, and Kindergarten classrooms through StoryCycles, our school to home literacy program.

    I oppose the decision to close and merge schools starting as soon as the next school year. While financial sustainability is important, there has been no community engagement in creating this plan. Moreover, the disproportionate focus on closing schools with majority Black student enrollment is a key concern, given that closures and consolidations will cause disruption for historically underserved students.

    I urge you to slow down the process until the racial impact analysis has been completed. Slowing down will also allow for adequate time, information, and opportunities for community stakeholders to meaningfully participate in co-creating solutions.

    Thank you for your consideration, and for all that you do.

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    Deni Paz over 2 years ago

    No al cierre escolar

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    M G over 2 years ago

    No more school closures! Where is the community engagement, outreach to families, proof that the closures do any good? These closures will only result in forcing more students into charter schools and loss of more state funding. Our kids need more more investment not less. Want to save money, how about pay cuts at the very top? Stop all use of independent contractors. End the lease of 1000 Broadway and move those administrators to one of the many already closed schools? You should be ashamed of yourselves for putting the budget cuts on the backs of the black and brown students and not the administrators that got us here in the first place.

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    Crystal Le over 2 years ago

    I worked at Grass Valley and am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Resolution. I am strongly opposed to OUSD’s attempt to balance the budget on the backs of our Black students. In addition to this process's frustrating lack of community engagement, the proposal's targeting of schools with majority Black and brown students demonstrates a complete disregard for equity. At the very least, the board must conduct an equity impact analysis in coordination w/ students, families, and teachers. I urge you to listen to community members voicing their very valid concerns and to consider less harmful approaches. I highly doubt that closing more than a dozen schools will fix the district's budget woes. Instead of balancing a budget, it will only usher in more imbalance, more inequity, more barriers. Our young ones shouldn't bear the brunt of a shortsighted, poorly planned decision that will impact them for years to come. Hands off the schools!

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    Jan Malvin over 2 years ago

    First you say you do (support Equity Impact Analysis)
    And then you don’t (you close schools “notwithstanding” Reparations for Black Students resolution)
    Then you say you will (we value Student, Family & Community Engagement per OUSD website)
    And then you won’t (voting on closures within 2 weeks of list, NO COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT)
    You’re undecided/unprepared/unsupported with facts & logic now, so what have you got to do?

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    Zulma Rodriguez over 2 years ago

    No al cierre escolar

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    Christian Beauvoir over 2 years ago

    Sample script: “Hello, my name is Christian Beauvoir and I am an Oakland resident. I am one of the many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students resolution and I am opposed to OUSD’s attempt to balance the budget on the back of our Black students. Hands off our schools!”

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    Loryn Hudson over 2 years ago

    Please vote for NO school closures. We have already cut 49 million in funds for the next school year. This vote is too fast and too inconsiderate for our community.

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    Jyoti Taneja over 2 years ago

    I oppose closing schools. The future generation needs to be trained and nurtured and that should be the focus. Figure out ways to keep the schools open and improving on what's not working.

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    Jackie Shonerd over 2 years ago

    I feel ashamed for this Board. OUSD could have chopped from the top (you used to have 14 positions at $200K+; in 2020 you had 47!), moved from 1000 Broadway @ $300,000 per month rent to school sites. STAND UP TO FCMAT, ACOE, and the privatizers including GO that promote this travesty. Or is a 50/50 public/charter split (or worse) ok with you? What about REVIVING THE K-8 MODEL to fill classrooms and keep families in OUSD? You never presented evidence of significant savings from previous school closures, before rushing to close schools where the bulk of the negative impact will be on Black and Brown students. They've suffered enough from previous closures while privately-governed charters grow and thrive. Jane Nylund is right: "No one in OUSD, FCMAT, or local and state government has ever answered the obvious question: find me a comparison district in California, the same as ours, that has all the community services/pay/benefits/supports/enrichment as a result of having 40-50 schools."

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    Marguerite Versher over 2 years ago

    Living in Oakland for 45 years we've seen OUSD decline over the years. Students families have endured repeated disruptions with ill-conceived plans to improve education in Oakland. It never works and always disappoints, to the consternation of taxpayers. The numbers show that white and Asian families do not enroll their students in OUSD schools. My children attended Catholic school because of the constant disruptions over the years. The truth is that the District needs to stop making decisions from the top down and fully engage with each community to collaborate more fully to address issues unique to each community instead of the "administration" looking at communities based on ethnicity and number crunching. Reading over the plan it makes very little sense to individual communities which is why I'm opposed. There are models that work and can be replicated with better research, outreach, surveys, and community input which are critical components to a successful plan.

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    Hulya Gurtuna over 2 years ago

    "School closures" is not a long-term, viable solution to problems the district is facing. The board should reject all such proposals -- they do nothing but contribute to the growing educational inequalities in the district. There are no good outcomes from school closures as recent history shows. Chicago school closures from a decade ago is evidence of all things wrong with school closures -- Oakland should learn from such examples and forge a different path for our city. It is egregious that a school board can entertain closing schools when its mandate is to educate its community. OUSD BOARD, be on the right side of history, do the right thing. NO SCHOOL CLOSURES: NOT NOW, NOT IN FUTURE. PERIOD.

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    Terreen Masters over 2 years ago

    This school needs to Stay open. It is the closest in our Neighborhood, there are some parents who do not have transportation to get their kids to schools that are nor in walking distance or may not have a ride. And what about kids with Disabilities/IEP's how does this work for them. I feel you should think about this carefully and put the children first.

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    Michelle McCoy over 2 years ago

    I am opposed to the consolidation plan that OUSD has recently put forth. The lack of specific information that would state the reasoning and the urgency for these actions is unacceptable. The lack of community engagement regarding such a vital service is unacceptable and seems to violate OUSD's own Equity, Community Engagement and Reparations for Black Students policies. The plan appears to disproportionately affect Black and Brown communities which should not be the goal OR the outcome of any action taken by the governing school board. I have lived in the South Prescott neighborhood in West Oakland for over 20 years. I value having a school in my neighborhood and I see it as a vital institution to our children and the community as a whole. Please demonstrate some respect for this community by seeking input and giving this life-affecting situation the time and consideration it deserves. And please do not close Prescott Elementary !

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    Eileen Flanagan over 2 years ago

    I oppose closing schools. Our students need investment, not losing their schools.

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    Sally Noma over 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose the closure of schools proposed in this meeting. The proposal has come without any meaningful interaction with the community or explanation of necessity. The focus my be providing excellent education to youth. I have had the privilege of volunteering in many of the high schools that are proposed for closure and recognize many of the schools serve brown and black youth as well as youth that are disproportionately affected by the school to prison pipeline. These youth deserve to have an education in an environment which provides alternative to dropping out of school or returning to environments where they were not successful. I urge the board to put students first. This proposal is premature and fails to recognize that past school closures have not had a large impact on the districts financial issues. Our kids deserve so much better than this.

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    Gloria McNeal over 2 years ago

    Hello I Attended Public School Here all my life ,along with my siblings,my children ,my parents ,aunt's ,uncles .
    Attendance, should not be the main source of school closure.There are many Government Resources, Federal
    Resource's that may help if you ask.
    The Richest Country in the world ,California has to Close or Murge schools. Please find it in your hearts to delay this decision for now .The children are just getting to some Normal
    From a Natural Disaster. Thank You

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    Mia Levy over 2 years ago

    I oppose these closures. They will make education less accessible and disproportionately affect marginalized communities. Many students may stop attending school altogether if they cannot get there easily and safely.

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    Siobhan N over 2 years ago

    I am horrified that this is even a discussion. Closing schools may be necessary, but to let it fall on the back of Black and Brown students is unfair and the swiftness in which this is happening is unnecessarily cruel. We need to work together as a community to figure out the most equitable way to determine how to address budget shortfalls. Please pause this discussion instead of moving ahead with this damaging proposal.