Meeting Time: February 08, 2022 at 5:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

A. Call To Order

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    Myeisha Jones about 3 years ago

    I oppose the uprooting of children and the emotional destress closures of school will cause. Students need stability and security created though building relationships at community schools (can I walk here, did my family member attend, will I see my former teacher). As teacher (I work to hear and support every family in the school site), parent (I look for small schools where all families are heard) , and community member (I stand with families across Oakland. NO TO CLOSURES, YES TO COMMUNITY LOVE AND SUPPORT.

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    Ed Stres about 3 years ago

    We all know that inflated management salary's, privatization of our public tax dollars, de-unionization and gentrification of the less wealthy out of Oakland .

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    Ali Schwarz about 3 years ago

    True community engagement is a must if OUSD really wants to serve the students of Oakland. Making decisions about school closures without true engagement is wrong and unjust!

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    Nicole Powell about 3 years ago

    Oppose school closures

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    megan williams about 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose these school closures. I am ashamed of our elected officials for even considering this as an option. And equally disappointed in Schaaf and Newsom in their compliance.

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    Yakpasua Zazaboi about 3 years ago

    Difficult decisions must be made and many will be affected. As a father, godfather, uncle and very passionate community member my #1 concern is the quality of education. To our family, this needs to be the first concern. We want GREAT schools, not just open schools. Make the decision that you must with this guiding you along the way.

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    Rashiid Moore about 3 years ago

    I'm an alumni. Don’t close schools. Don’t move Dewey. Important relationships that would change drastically are the mentor-like teachers and staff that would help with varieties of issues regarding employment, safety and fun. Lots of staff and teachers brought a very inviting environment in terms of wanting to learn, change and grow. Kev and many other teachers gave their hearts and more to show their appreciation towards students and the show them their potential

    When many schools start to merge and close lots of traditions and cultures from schools start to dissipate; as well as overpopulated classrooms rising causing a disconnect with the learning barrier. Many students have different needs according to whatever challenges they go through and having the right teachers giving the right support, allows for more openness and willingness to problem solve. It brings in transportation issues as well as many don’t have access to transit to get to school, have school near the bus or bart

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    Charita Johnson about 3 years ago

    Keep our schools open!!

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    Vanessa Cerda about 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose school closures!

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    Jennifer Viale about 3 years ago


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    Renee Swayne about 3 years ago