Meeting Time: January 26, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

T.-1 22-0043 Adoption by the Board of Education of Second Amendment, Board Policy 5141.29 - COVID-19 Student Vaccine Requirement.

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    Jaime Colly about 3 years ago

    I am in support of the vaccine mandate as students and families need sufficient time to gather knowledge and make informed decisions that are right for their families. We need to focus on how to improve student outcomes after two years of learning loss and helping students transition positively back into school settings.

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    Robert Kershaw about 3 years ago

    Fact: Childhood is finite. Kids won’t get a re-do on almost two years of diluted education, foregone rites of passage, missed opportunities, & a generally muted existence. The brunt of the burden will fall on kids least equipped to bear it: the poor, the abused, the disabled. Show some integrity and start advocating for kids and not their fearful parents and not for elected officials. In other words get out of the corrupt healthcare business and get back to educating kids.

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    J Casas about 3 years ago

    The Covid-19 shots are not traditional vaccines. There has not been sufficient data to indicate that these experimental shots are safe for children. It is our obligation to protect our kids!

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    Josh Beth about 3 years ago

    I support postponement of the mandate. However, you should revoke it entirely. These shots do not achieve herd immunity. They do not prevent infection or transmission. Our school closed for a week because 19 staff members were out sick with Covid, despite being fully vaccinated.

    The addition of new vaccines is the domain of the State Legislature and DPH. San Diego's mandate was struck down. Piedmont's is suspended. Per the SDUSD ruling, "...a local ordinance that conflicts with state law is preempted by the state law and void." "The statutory scheme leaves no room for each of the over 1,000 individual school districts to impose a patchwork of additional vaccine mandates." COVID-19 vaccines are not listed on the CA K-12 Immunization Schedule. No CA law grants individual schools or school districts the authority to require additional vaccines in order for students to enjoy an in-person education, an education guaranteed under Section 5, Article IX of the California Constitution.

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    Dina Frandsen about 3 years ago

    I want to applaud you for talking about vaccines. This is far more important than continuing to talk about more and more testing on top of the mass amount of testing you already do. As we watch Omicron we should all take away from it that vaccines are how you save lives. I put neutral, because I empathize with those who say a School Board should not be a public health organization, so I think it is a complicated issue, vaccine mandates. But I applaud you talking about it and wish I saw more of the "activists" focusing on this, which is what can make communty, individuals safer.

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    Lillia Slemmons about 3 years ago

    You have a statutory obligation to protect our children and these vaccines are NOT safe and effective. It's time to take legal action and put an insurance claim on your personal bonds. Every parent reading this must contact the Treasure of the district, they must provide the information for who insures their bonds to work. File a claim with the insurance company and the insurance carriers will not support their bonds. Get these guys off the board and take action NOW! This method has been successful. You will be held accountable for your crimes against humanity.

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    Elizabeth DeLuca about 3 years ago

    Vaccine mandates in schools are not new. The first school vaccine mandate for smallpox was in the 1850s! Since then vaccine mandates have shown to be effective in stopping the spread of disease for our whole society. Since 1977, the vast majority of schools have required MMR, DTaP, polio etc. and in CA, in 2016, Gov Brown did away with the personal beliefs exemption. I strongly support COVID vaccine requirements. This is not new technology-- The mRNA technology behind the COVID-19 vaccination has been studied for over a decade with the first SARS and MERS coronavirus outbreaks. Since initial release, millions and millions of doses of the Pfizer vaccine have been given, and it has been found to be safe and effective at preventing severe COVID disease and hospitalization. Walk through a children's hospital ward right now-- the media isn't talking about this but we docs can tell you those wards right now are full of under 5s or other unvaccinated kids. It's beyond heartbreaking.

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    Sofia Morgan about 3 years ago

    These are not vaccines. They are experimental gene shots. If there is risk, there must be choice!! Only the parents can make that choice for their kids. Nobody should be giving anything to kids when they cannot be held liable.

    Besides wreaking havoc with the immune system, these experiments cause/accelerate cancer. Doctors have observed a 300% increase in cancer. Just in case you missed it, watch this 9min video to hear what doctors are saying.

    Parents will pull their kids out of public school and you will lose money.

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    Cheryl M about 3 years ago

    You do not have the authority to make these mandates. Please leave medical decisions to the medical experts and instead focus on improving the school experience for our children, which is what you have been elected to do.

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    karen motlow about 3 years ago

    as per dr. malone - children should not receive the vaccine. covid is no threat to their health but apparently, the vaccine is. why take that chance?

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    Mary Fernandez about 3 years ago

    Instead of experimenting on young children with an unauthorized chemical substance, why don't you promote good health? The benefits of Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, exercise, and a healthy diet are far superior to any concoction that the drug pushers provide. I am 70 years young and haven't had a sick day since I had the flu shot ten years ago, when I was seriously injured. I am pro health and you should be too!

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    Rebecca Lawler about 3 years ago

    This vaccine DOES NOT protect the children from getting Covid. It has not protected anyone from getting Covid. More importantly, there is risk of serious adverse events (physical damage) and even death. Dr. Peter Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA technology warns that between 1-2 thousand to 1-3 thousand vaccinated children will be hospitalized with vaccine caused damage. This vaccine in children can cause brain, heart, and immune system damage and potentially infertility. There is a 1 in 1000 chance that a child forced to take this vaccine could be paralyzed for life. These vaccines are experimental and should not be forced on innocent children. Additionally, since these drugs are still considered experimental and are not FDA-approved, the manufacturer is protected from any liability should the child suffer severe injury or death.

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    Marlese Ramirez about 3 years ago

    0 deaths in Sweden, no lockdown, no school closure, no force vaccine policy - in fact, Norweigan countries canceled the gene therapy shot for under 18 due to Heart Problems being so common.

    Jan 21, 2022 · The Norwegian government has stated that it will not recommend COVID vaccines for children. Vaccines are still available for children if parents request it. They cite concerns over vaccine side effects, as well the fact that COVID death and hospitalization risk for children is very rare. They also acknowledge the power of natural immunity.

    Its time for us to catch up with the science of the rest of the world, even our country where The experimental shot ( NO LONG TERM STUDIES ON CHILDREN)

    Protect our children - our children should not be harmed to go to school

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    Kimberley Knittel about 3 years ago

    A vaccine mandate is barbaric! These pharmaceuticals are untested over the long term (and are generating millions in profits!!). You who would create and enforce a mandate do so outside your scope of responsibility. Your job is to create educational programs. The vaccines do not work, as evidenced by all the breakthrough cases, being currently experienced by most as a mild flu. You will lose many excellent students and families, forcing many into homeschooling to uphold their own family and religious integrity, destroying the educational lives of many. The criminality of forcing unwanted and unnecessary medical interventions on those who would have chosen other methods for staying (and keeping others) healthy will be the scandal of the century. REFRAIN from forcing experimental medical treatment on children. Focus on improving schools after two devastating years for children.