Meeting Time: January 26, 2022 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

M.-1 22-0172 Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education of a Progress Report: Plan, Indicators and Fund, as of January 20, 2022, of the Black Student and Families Thriving Task Force and a discussion, thereof, by and between the members of the Board and the Superintendent or designee(s).

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    Rachel Tibbetts about 3 years ago

    A full accounting of how much money has been siphoned away from our schools through mis-management, over priced and under effective consultants, and the expansion of charter schools needs to be done. A full report on previous consolidations and their outcomes must be presented. We need to know what real effects previous consolidations have had before we plan for more. And WAY MORE community input needs to be solicited before you throw another round of this at the OUSD community.

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    Gerald Jefferson about 3 years ago

    Do not close ANY OUSD schools.

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    Loyen Redhawk about 3 years ago

    Make education more accessible

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    Matt Agellon about 3 years ago

    Shutting down schools is absolutely ridiculous! We do not support this in any way. Support Black and Brown families and students by doing what the SCHOOL board is meant to do. If you don't support schools staying open, you don't have the best interest of the students at heart. Not only would this jeopardize the kids education but also the sense of community for these families.

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    KimShree Maufas about 3 years ago

    Closing Majority Black Schools does not save $$$! You want to save money, STOP paying $250K Rent for 1000 Broadway!!
    Closing Majority Black Schools does never helped Black Students academically, you as a district are lying when you pretend that false narrative is true.
    Closing Majority Black Schools without an Equity Impact Analysis is irresponsible, which you promised to OUSD community!
    Closing Majority Black Schools during the COVID Pandemic is MORALLY WRONG!! SHAME ON THE DISTRICT!!

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    Karen Choury about 3 years ago

    Show the numbers! There is no evidence that it will save any $$
    And the impact after 2 pandemic years this is horrendous mentally , academically and and emotionally.
    How dare you!!!

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    Katheryn Quijada about 3 years ago

    I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Campaign. OUSD has a history of targeting majority Black schools for closure. Over the last two decades OUSD has closed 16 schools, yet these closures did little to improve the achievement gap of marginalized students. OUSD has seen a massive enrollment decline in Black Students and has done nothing to rectify anti-Black racist policies and structures. This district's failure to adequately resource schools will not be resolved by school closures. Protect majority black schools , conduct the racial equity impact analysis this district conveniently exempted itself from. Stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of Black students! OUSD has a history of trying to do this and we’re not letting this happen.

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    Jasmine Larmour about 3 years ago

    I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Campaign. OUSD has a history of targeting majority Black schools for closure. Over the last two decades OUSD has closed 16 schools, yet these closures did little to improve the achievement gap of marginalized students. OUSD has seen a massive enrollment decline in Black Students and has done nothing to rectify anti-Black racist policies and structures. This district's failure to adequately resource schools will not be resolved by school closures. Protect majority Black schools, conduct the racial equity impact analysis this district conveniently exempted itself from. Black students and families deserve so much more support and resources than what OUSD has historically provided. Stand by your responsibilities and do right by these students, for once! Stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of Black students! It's not right and the community will not stand for it.

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    Barbara Ginsberg about 3 years ago

    Every time you close schools, students leave Oakland Unified. The statistics bear that out. So, every time you close schools, the district loses money. Closing schools makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The Board members cannot be so dense that they can't read the statistics and/or think that this time will have a different outcome, so what is this about? I don't know yet which Board members are up for election in Nov 2022, but as soon as I find out, I will join the fight to get rid of them and replace them with Board members who actually support high quality public education for every child in Oakland.

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    Lauren Broder about 3 years ago

    I am an OUSD elementary school parent and am strongly opposed to school closures without any clear support or action in place for families in the impacted areas. The proposed closures are in areas that often lack a good alternative, and without transportation, it will place undue burden on families and the students in these communities. There is no way one can close these schools in good conscience and consider themselves community centered or in alignment with the Black Students for Reparations you passed.

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    Christie Chu about 3 years ago

    As a former teacher, I strongly oppose any school closures. First, why is school funding tied to student attendance PERIOD but especially in the middle of a pandemic? Students should not be penalized for not coming to school when they are sick. Second, closing predominantly black and brown schools is racist and is perpetuating this white supremacy idea of “good be bad” schools. Third, if closing schools was really tied to budget cuts, why isn’t there more community input allowed? Why was this done so sneakily? Fourth, closing schools does not help increase enrollment or raise test scores within the district. It hurts Oakland neighborhood schools and the community. When schools close, families leave OUSD and it impacts enrollment at other schools, impacting test scores. Why don’t members of these communities get a say or able to provide input. So often, school closures aren’t even known about until it’s too late. STOP SCHOOL CLOSURES NOW!

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    Sophie Netter about 3 years ago

    I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Campaign. OUSD has a history of targeting majority Black schools for closure. Over the last two decades OUSD has closed 16 schools, yet these closures did little to improve the achievement gap of marginalized students. OUSD has seen a massive enrollment decline in Black Students and has done nothing to rectify anti-Black racist policies and structures. This district's failure to adequately resource schools will not be resolved by school closures. Protect majority black schools , conduct the racial equity impact analysis this district conveniently exempted itself from. Stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of Black students

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    Federico Matias about 3 years ago

    I oppose school closures. Me opongo a la cerradura de escuelas en OUSD.

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    Tessa Strauss about 3 years ago

    My name is Tessa Strauss. I'm a teacher in OUSD and a parent of two current OUSD students. I am one of many supporters of the Reparations for Black Students Campaign. OUSD has a history of targeting majority Black schools for closure. Over the last two decades, OUSD has closed 16 schools, yet these closures did little to improve the achievement gap of marginalized students. OUSD has seen a massive enrollment decline in Black Students and has done nothing to rectify anti-Black racist policies and structures. This district's failure to adequately resource schools will not be resolved by school closures. Protect majority Black schools, conduct the racial equity impact analysis this district conveniently exempted itself from. Stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of Black students!

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    Zenobia Ford about 3 years ago

    I just agree that you guys should close the school cuz it makes it hard for the parents to find another school and it's also hard on the teachers already because of the covid I don't think it's good to close the school cuz it is impact the kids education

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    Carrie Anderson about 3 years ago

    Closing schools doesn’t save money. Closing schools disrupts and traumatizes children, families, neighborhoods, and school communities. Closing schools results in expanded charter schools and losing MORE students from our district.

    Manzanita Community School is a special place, as are all of the schools on your list. Don’t throw us and other school communities in the trash. We are not disposable.

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    Alexina Rojas about 3 years ago

    OUSD has closed 16 schools in 20 years with little to no improved academic outcomes for Black Students resulting in massive displacement of Black students and families. Closing schools is harmful to our children.

    Closing schools at the end of this pandemic year, after you voted just a few months ago not to do so due to the ongoing trauma of the pandemic, is cruel and unnecessary. Follow your own recently adopted policies and prioritize the well-being of students, families and staff as they continue to suffer a third year of trauma and uncertainty.

    If there have been other ways to balance the budget, if that’s what is needed, then choose the way that doesn’t hurt our children.

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    Bethany Meyer about 3 years ago

    Please follow the recommendations of the Black Student and Families Thriving Task Force concerning all matters, especially permanent school closures.

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    Erika Guerrero about 3 years ago

    It is completely unacceptable for largely Black and Brown schools to be closed in an attempt to balance a budget or make ends meet. We have seen this time and time again and it is clear that closing schools is not the solution. We need a board who will put our students first, especially during these times of profound uncertainty and loss

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    Sydney Dexter about 3 years ago

    It is completely unacceptable for largely Black and Brown schools to be closed in an attempt to balance a budget or make ends meet. We have seen this time and time again and it is clear that closing schools is not the solution. We need a board who will put our students first, especially during these times of profound uncertainty and loss.