V.-10 21-2993 Approval by the Board of Education of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by and between the District and Bay City Boiler & Engineering Company, Inc., Hayward, CA ("Contractor"), for the latter to provide installation services which consist of installing six (6) efficiency Rinnaie CU 199EN water heaters/gym boilers, circulation pump, two (2) 120 Gallon Storage tanks and mixings valve for the McClymonds High School Gym Boiler Project, as described in Article I of the Agreement, in the amount of $148,296.00, which includes a contingency of $13,846.00, as the lowest responsive bidder, with the work anticipated to commence on January 13, 2022, and scheduled to last for Sixty (60) Calendar days, ending March 13, 2022.
Why has this taken so long to accomplish? Prioritize all of the work at McClymonds to ensure that our West Oakland high school is safe and state of the art.
Why has this taken so long to accomplish? Prioritize all of the work at McClymonds to ensure that our West Oakland high school is safe and state of the art.