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Agenda Item

22-0002 Shall [Nominee(s)] be elected President, Governing Board of the Oakland Unified School District for the 2022 Term?

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    OpposeDonnieBarclift BrutalChildBeater about 3 years ago

    Since protesting the employment of an OUSD Field Supervisor in Nutrition Services one of my pc's has been hacked and permanently killed, one pc continued attack by virus, one phone continued attack by virus, one phone tracked from Stockton the residential location of the child beater turned OUSD employee Mr Donnie Barclift. It is very clear from these attacks that OUSD prefers to cyber attack protesters than accept the protest is true and investigate the employee being protested against. Mr Donnie Barclift Field Supervisor of Nutrition Services has no tertiary degree, zero earned tertiary units, and never interest in school districts prior to OUSD. Yet in 2009 moved to NorCal from Socal and sought employment by OUSD because that's exactly what one of his child abuse victims did 9 years prior. This man is obviously a sick scum bag child abuser/beater using OUSD to seek more victims.