V2.-2 21-2714 Approval by the Board of Education of Amendment No. 2, Agreement for Architectural Services by and between the District and S Meek Architecture, San Francisco CA, for architectural services regarding the conversion of two inaccessible toilets into one unisex restroom and drinking fountain, replace interior hallway ramp with new accessible ramp; revise the grading of the play yard to be 2% slope throughout and re-route utilities impacted due to grade revisions, as described in proposal dated November 1st, 2021, attached to this amendment as part of Exhibit A, for the Claremont Middle School New Multi-Purpose Building Project, in an additional amount of $82,120.00, which includes a $10,000.00 contingency, increasing Agreement not-to-exceed amount from $1,248,185.00 to $1,330,305.00.