Meeting Time: December 01, 2021 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

P.-1 21-2897 Superintendent's Report - December 1, 2021: Highlight from Schools ? Early Childhood Program Covid Safety Protocols ? Testing & Vaccine Implementation Sojourner Truth Distance Learning Update ? Attendance & Services Enrollment & Attendance ? Enrollment & Attendance Counts & Strategies McClymonds Facilities Update ? Updates

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    M S over 3 years ago

    Parents, please vote for the immediate termination of OUSD employee Mr Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services.
    In the late 1980's Mr Barclift severely beat two white 11 year old kids with a wooden beam. One of those children later died as an adult in 2009 from a drug overdose. This man is a scum bag child beater, not a "food hero" as he advertises himself. He sought employment with OUSD to reward himself for his violent act against those kids and potentially other under age victims, indeed maybe he even to use his position at OUSD to find new victims. He even featured last year on his youtube channel a black man beating another black man to the ground with the same style wooden beam (he later removed the video after I notified OUSD of it). Despite being informed about Mr Barclift, OUSD keeps Mr Barclift employed. Please read and sign the protest:

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    Carol Delton over 3 years ago

    Please clarify the relationship between the OUSD Independent Study Program and Zion Learning, a private tutoring company which charges $56.00 per hour. Is there an actual agreement memorializing the terms of Zion Learning providing services to OUSD students? How can those students access the service? It is of concern that many temporary employee positions designed to give students 1:1 support go unfilled while being offered at a much lower rate (even understanding that no doubt a percentage of Zion's rate goes to management). What can be done to make the employee positions with OUSD more competitive?

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    Larissa Adam over 3 years ago

    Please consider delaying the student vaccine mandate implementation deadline by two months (or maintaining the deadline but providing a grace period) for all charter and district schools. I want to name that I am wholeheartedly in favor of the mandate, but want to make sure that the way it is rolled out is equitable, and that the timeline is feasible. My main concerns with the current deadline are (1) a significant number of the students we serve in flatlands schools do not have regular access to a physician to get an exemption request signature; therefore, the students most likely to be pushed out of the system by an overly fast implementation of the mandate are predominantly our Black and brown students; (2) the translated OUSD exemption forms weren't released until 11/17, which essentially gives district & charter schools only the three school weeks between the two breaks to explain, collect, and process the exemption requests.

    Let's slow down implementation and do this equitably.