Meeting Time: November 17, 2021 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

T.-1 21-2628 Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools or designee to the Board of Education of a Report on the progress made to date towards implementation of Resolution No. 2021-0046 - Prioritizing Social Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, and Credit Recovery Support Services In Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    Trish Belenson over 3 years ago

    As we've returned to full in-person learning from distance learning, there's been a real need for SEL & mental health focus to support elevated traumas our students and staff have been facing over the past 2 years (COVID, increased gun violence, racism, poverty, changes in family structures). In the resolution update, in the area of Peer-to-peer mentoring structures, It's great to see formation of restorative justice teams, but there is also an ask that more resources be allocated to Restorative Justice staffing in order to be able to provide more RJ training opportunities for site staff (this year there has only been 2 2-part sessions offered). Many of us educators are holding community circles in our school communities because of the need, but lack the RJ training and are winging the RJ framework with what's posted on the district website, which is helpful, but not the same as an immersive restorative justice training that our students and school communities could really benefit from