S.-3 21-0012A Adoption by the Board of Education of Administrative Regulation 5115 - Enrollment Stabilization, and Presentation by the Superintendent of Schools or designee, of a Report on the implementation of Board Policy 5115 - Enrollment Stabilization.
I am concerned that the SchoolFinder option is out of compliance with the Board's resolution. Enrollment is clearly essential for a vital district and offering charter school choice undercuts the district's interests in maintaining a robust enrollment. I hope this will be corrected ASAP. I also remember the resolution forbidding the district from promoting or advertising charter school enrollment, I hope that changes will be made to make sure current policy and practice is in line with Board policy and resolutions.
Why is the school district website continuing to offer parents the option to choose the competition, privately run charter schools, when months ago the Board adopted a policy which prohibits this? Aren't we concerned about the drain of students and the ADA funds that follow them?
I'm glad to see progress on school site supports for encouraging enrollment. However I'm very concerned that the SchoolFinder (via OUSD) is still offering charter school options, both with a charter school button at the top of the page, and within the list of neighborhood schools. The enrollment stabilization policy was approved six months ago; this website change should have been completed long ago. Prospective parents are already visiting the SchoolFinder site in anticipation of the beginning of enrollment on November 15. Finally, AR5115 should explicitly prohibit mention of competing schools on SchoolFinder.
I am concerned that the SchoolFinder option is out of compliance with the Board's resolution. Enrollment is clearly essential for a vital district and offering charter school choice undercuts the district's interests in maintaining a robust enrollment. I hope this will be corrected ASAP. I also remember the resolution forbidding the district from promoting or advertising charter school enrollment, I hope that changes will be made to make sure current policy and practice is in line with Board policy and resolutions.
Why is the school district website continuing to offer parents the option to choose the competition, privately run charter schools, when months ago the Board adopted a policy which prohibits this? Aren't we concerned about the drain of students and the ADA funds that follow them?
I'm glad to see progress on school site supports for encouraging enrollment. However I'm very concerned that the SchoolFinder (via OUSD) is still offering charter school options, both with a charter school button at the top of the page, and within the list of neighborhood schools. The enrollment stabilization policy was approved six months ago; this website change should have been completed long ago. Prospective parents are already visiting the SchoolFinder site in anticipation of the beginning of enrollment on November 15. Finally, AR5115 should explicitly prohibit mention of competing schools on SchoolFinder.