Meeting Time: September 30, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C.-1 21-2194 Continued discussion by Budget and Finance Committee, with the Chief Business Officer, or designee, of Consultant Dashboard.

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    Carol Delton over 3 years ago

    I am hoping the consultant dashboard will be posted during the meeting so that the public can reference this document as the committee does. Beyond that, where is the School Services analysis of staffing? This seems like one more instance of School Services being less than appropriately responsive to OUSD--who hires them. What are the alternatives?
    That said, I see a very troubling issue emerging. As of the Second Interim this past Spring, OUSD reported 439 FTE of Management and Confidential employees. As of Ms. Gard's presentation, OUSD reports 480 (UAOS+CONF+UNRP). Based on the report that 165.5 FTE were hired so far based on COVID funding, this is a ratio of roughly 1:3 Management/Confidential to Direct Service. This is unconscionable.
    Also, the public to see what types of positions are filled versus which are still empty, so there can be meaningful discussion of what positions to prioritize and how to make them more attractive.

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    M S over 3 years ago

    Parents, please approve the immediate resignation of Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services.
    In the late 1980's Mr Barclift severely flogged two 11 year old boys with a lumber beam. One of those children later died in 2009 from a drug overdose. This man is a scum bag child beater, not a "food hero". He sought employment with OUSD to be rewarded for his violent act against those kids and potentially other kids. He even featured last year on his youtube channel a man flogging another man unconscious (he later removed the video after warned by OUSD). Despite being informed about Mr Barclift, OUSD keeps Mr Barclift employed fulfilling his desire to make his victims pay him. Protect your child from this man. The decision for OUSD to keep employing this man symbolizes to every child victim of severe assault the employees OUSD takes pride in featuring.