Meeting Time: September 22, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

T.-2 21-2078 Adoption by the Board of Education of District's 2021 Significant Disproportionality Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan* for Special Education Services. ___ *A Corrective Action Plan

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    Courtney Woolverton over 3 years ago

    Preschool SDC students only get 2.5 hour of instruction a day compared to 3+ hours for general education students-this is equivalent to missing 6 weeks of instruction a year. Maybe we could add a plan for increasing instruction for the students with the greatest needs early on-they should be getting more instruction to help them catch up, not less.

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    Noelle Winter over 3 years ago

    Students with IEPs should have access to mental health specialists too! Special education teachers are not mental health specialists and cannot identify the specific supports that some students with IEPs need.