Meeting Time: September 22, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-1 21-2181 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0012 - Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination for Students Aged 12 and Over.

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    Rosana G over 3 years ago

    Please do not mandate the vaccine! Let parents choose. Im sure you will see a majority who are willing without being forced. The vaccines are still in clinical trials until at lest 2023. This information and more is available at Therefore there is no way to know the effects on children who’s bodies are still developing. You can in no way compare this vaccine to the ones that are needed to register for school. Those vaccines have undergone years to decades of research and fine tuning. Not you, the CDC or the FDA can make any guarantees of outcomes. Putting all that aside , there are around 50,000 students in OUSD and according to the latest dashboard there were only 29 reported cases district wide.That is less than .5% of the population! Please just put this on hold for now and let the parents, who know what’s best for their children, make this important decision.

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    Sonia SintonClark over 3 years ago

    As and OUSD parent with two children too young to be vaccinated, I strongly support this vaccine requirement. My children will be vaccinated as soon as they there is a vaccine available for them. Millions of children have already received the vaccine, it is safe and highly effective. Unvaccinated teenagers are 10x as likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 and than their peers, and they are at a greater risk for log-haul covid. Lingering health problems and frequent quarantines will have a negative impact on students academic success. Students can play a huge role in protecting themselves and the community by getting vaccinated. Mandates have been highly effective in raising vaccination rates, many people are just waiting to be told the vaccine is something you have to do. 10 other vaccines are already required, the delta variant of corona virus is just as contagious and dangerous as those diseases. Let's make our schools as safe for students as we can, and get everyone vaccinated!

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    lila heller over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose mandating this vaccine for our children. The current data points to the fact the vaccinated people hold as much viral load as unvaccinated. Children have a very very low chance of contracting covid or passing it on. Each child is unique in their makeup and the vaccine is not the appropriate choice for every child. Medical interventions should always be a choice. I will not send my child to public school if this goes through.

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    Kehinde Salter over 3 years ago

    As a parent of children in the district and a teacher at Fremont High School, I oppose a vaccine mandate. This vaccine does not give anyone immunity to Covid, nor does it keep you from spreading it. How is it that OUSD staff have the option of being fully vaccinated or testing weekly, but that consideration is not being offered to our students? Give them the option. Finally, I assume that all of our school board members are fully vaccinated because of this resolution. If that is the case and this vaccine is so safe and effective, why are you all still holding school board meetings over Zoom? Is your health more important than ours? I find it disingenuous that we (staff, teachers and students) have been placed back in schools for in-person learning, while you all are still on zoom. So is the vaccine effective or not? If it is, you all should meet in person just like us. If not, don’t mandate the vaccine. Meet us at the table to discuss and implement real safety strategies.

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    Nate R over 3 years ago

    We require many vaccines for school enrollment, and this should be no different. The data is clear that vaccines are safe, effective, and important (especially given the delta variant's impact on children). The benefits outweigh the minuscule risks. No vaccine or immunity prevents a virus from infecting people, but that was never the goal or expectation.

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    Audrey Partrite over 3 years ago

    I am a fully vaccinated adult, however, I oppose this resolution mandating Covid vaccines for OUSD students 12 and older. Children are not a high risk population when it comes to severe illness due to Covid-19. Yes, there are studies and experts who support the vaccine is safe. Please don't ignore the studies and experts that support the position the vaccine is NOT safe. The decision to, or not to vaccinate a child should lie with parents after conducting their own personal risk/benefit analysis.

    The proposed resolution does not address long term impacts on the district. What is the plan for the students who will be forced to unenroll? With lower enrollment, will OUSD schools be subject to further consolidation (the current consolidation is very unpopular with parents and teachers)? There is also an equity issue with this mandate, as it will likely disproportionately impact our brown and black students.

    Please vote NO.

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    Concerned Parent over 3 years ago

    Vaccine is still in clinical trials and every school that has tried to mandate is facing lawsuits. Stop playing health department, and start educating our students!!! Vehemently opposed to mandating an experimental vaccine as a condition of school participation especially as the vaccine does not prevent transmission or illness. This is a foolish policy that will result in OUSD wasting resources on lawsuits and charges of discrimination rather than on funding education services for our children.

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    Lesley MandrosBell over 3 years ago

    As a parent and community member as well as someone who lost a sibling to Covid I strongly support this resolution. The data, the evidence and the experts all agree that vaccination is the single safest and most effective tool we have to mitigate the damage done by Covid to our bodies and our community.

    We also need to petition for equity in access to vaccination, and the updating of state and local laws to address the circumstances of the public health crisis of this pandemic. But we need to protect not only ourselves and our school staff and families through vaccination, but also the immunocompromised and others at risk in our community, and vaccination is how we do that.

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    Deleted User over 3 years ago

    I am strongly oppose vaccine mandate. I don't know how this vaccine is deemed as safe and effective given
    1. It doesn't prevent you to get infected after vaccination.
    2. You can still spread the virus after vaccination.
    3. There are 15,000 deaths reported in the VAERS system as of 09/20/2021. The CDC has claimed they have investigated all of them and found no causal link. Can we see a copy of the report? Of course not!

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    lisa gemberling over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose as the science in NEVER settled, the long term trials are not completed, significant adverse reactions and death are occurring at rates that would normally require removal from use and/or licensure: the VAERs data alone requires these gene therapies to be immediately stopped, "vaccines" are not needed when treatments are readily available, current Covid-19 "vaccines" were created for a viral strain no longer active, but most importantly, this is the United Free States of America and we don't force medical interventions. Medical Ethics demands choice without fear of coercion and federal law 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) **requires that the person to whom an EUA vaccine is administered be advised, “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.”

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    Kathy McIntire over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose- you will be held personally liable for going against your oath of office and trespassing on our personal property, all sons and daughters. You will be responsible for ALL direct and indirect damages and losses of all kinds against our property, all sons and daughters, that are in attendance and under contract with your school district. You will all be served with a Notice of Liability for sanctioning Biomedical, biotechnology and biosynthetic materials. Therefore, your request that we release the control of our domain and property, which is our sons and daughters, to accepting a life-threatening product, foreign unnatural substance and or device to be injected into their bodies, will cause you to be complicit and accomplice to various counts of crimes of coercion, assault, trespass and transgressions, and more, without limits.

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    Doug R over 3 years ago

    We strongly oppose. School is for kids and paid for by parents. Any teacher who is mandating our children to be vaccinated or kicked out of school is immoral. Teachers serve and work for us, not the other way around. If you're a teacher and you're too scared and ignorant to be near unvaccinated children then resign! This mandate will punish children and create a less diverse student body. Black and brown students will be kicked out at greater percentages than white and Asian students according to vaccination data. It is backwards that OUSD and teachers feel they can dictate which kids attend school. We are empathetic any teachers and OUSD staff who were forced to be vaccinated in order to keep their jobs.

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    Katherine Falk over 3 years ago

    I support Resolution 2122-0012 because I strongly believe - and evidence backs me on this - that vaccination is the most effective and safe way to reduce the harm caused by COVID-19. Our children and students deserve this protection too! I am saddened and frustrated to see the ignorant comments by my fellow community members. These vaccines have been safely given to millions of people.

    I will acknowledge that there are legal issues being raised here too. It would be best if the California state legislature would take up this matter so individual districts don't have to fight this decision out on their own. There is no reason to treat this vaccine differently from the many others already required for school (other than the current age limits).

    Equity does indeed matter. I hope we can build trust and not reinforce unfair differences in access to resources. But vaccines are also an important tool for ensuring equity. COVID-19 has a very disproportionate, even discriminatory, impact.

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    Krassi Maltby over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose as these vaccines are very dangerous of younger population!

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    Lauren Gerber over 3 years ago

    I can only support a vaccine mandate that includes an exception for regular testing.

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    Josh Beth over 3 years ago

    I am an East Oakland parent profoundly opposed to a Covid-19 Vaccination mandate for OUSD students. I am submitting detailed comments to all Board members and the Superintendent.
    1. The School Board has no legal authority to institute a vaccine mandate.
    2. The science is *not* settled on the safety of this new vaccination for children and teens. Many vaccinologists, researchers and doctors worldwide have opposed mandating this pharmaceutical intervention for kids. Studies are now showing the risk of cardiac adverse events such as myocarditis, pericarditis and blood clots is substantially higher for kids than the chance of hospitalization due to Covid-19. We have no longterm safety data.
    3. The vaccines presently available DO NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION OR INFECTION. They reduce symptoms and lower the risk of serious illness, eps in adults, but they do not stop transmission. Vaccinated and unvaccinated carry equal viral loads.

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    Mariya Wolfson over 3 years ago

    I object on a legal, scientific & moral basis to this vaccine mandate. 1-OUSD does not have legal authority & the list of 10 childhood immunizations required does not include C-19(only CDPH can add new vaccines) 2-Even if CDPH wanted to add to list, they can’t under EUA status(Comirnaty is not available yet & is still currently under EUA) 3- C19 makers are provided immunity from liability of their products. OUSD will open themselves to lawsuits if a student is injured by an unlawfully mandated C19 vaccine. Clinical trial endpoints for 3 vaccines were to reduce hospitalization & death by reducing symptoms of disease. NONE of these vaccines were analyzed for transmission/prevention of SARS Cov-2. OUSD mandates masks indoors and on campus, vaccinated ppl included, meaning vaccinated students also pose risks to both becoming infected & spreading to others= vaccine offers no benefit. Mandating C19 vaccine may result in prompt legal action against OUSD for exceeding its lawful authority.

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    Rignesh Padamanur over 3 years ago

    I am a twelve year old myself and I strongly support this vaccine mandate. Vaccines are a huge leap in crushing COVID and it is with utmost importance that we vote YES on supporting this vaccine mandate. Without vaccinations as a must in schools, the safety of our peers, teachers and mostly, children that are not eligible to receive the COVID vaccine's lives are at stake. It is our job to help ensure our safety and help our community thrive. With the Delta variant surging across the world, our situation is ever so dire. Way too many cases are rising, and just as we thought we were stopping COVID in summer, Delta showed up and the only way we can stop this together is by VACCINES!
    Remember the measles outbreak? This was such a deadly virus which killed 2.6 million people. And you know what stopped its streak? YES, VACCINES. If we can fight COVID like how we fought measles and eliminated it across all Americans, what more could we hope for? Vote YES for vaccine mandates to CRUSH COVID!!

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    Katy P over 3 years ago

    I am a parent of 2 children in OUSD and I am also a public school teacher. I strongly oppose this mandate for our children. We should be able to make our own choices regarding the health and safety of our children. This vaccine is NOT similar to those that are already mandated as it has very limited safety data and no long-term safety data. Short-term safety data show that young people are 3.7-6.1 times more likely to be harmed from the vaccine than from the virus itself ( The rate of post-vaccine myocarditis in boys under the age of 30 should not be dismissed and did factor into the FDA's decision to reject boosters to those under 65. Many countries, including the UK, are only giving teens one dose of the vaccine, citing safety concerns from the second dose. The NIH is investigating how the vaccine affects menstruation, after 30,000 women in the UK reported changes in their menstrual cycles. Being hesitant about this vaccine for kids is justified. Please vote NO.

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    Katie Oster over 3 years ago

    As a student, I strongly support a vaccine mandate for students 12 and over. Vaccines are the best way to ensure schools are safe and healthy places for students. Please protect Oakland Unified by voting yes on this resolution.