Meeting Time: August 25, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

S.-1 21-1788 Adoption by the Board of Education of the Superintendent of Schools Work Plan for 2021-2022 School Year.

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    Lecarra Ward over 3 years ago

    My comment in no means we're to condemn the board. I shared my experiences in Ousd
    , because I seen the culture that has been promoted. To use our educational board meetings to, promote programs as they compete for funding. Please
    do not be dismayed, our educational issues are across America not just in Oakland. But you are in a position to change the narrative. We are at war and have been for a while and our adversaries target our educational systems and children in many ways . Education prepares our next generation and secures America's future as a leader in the global society. Trials will continue to come ,please remain flexible, strong and pure in heart. Handling each issue as they arise. But , you can NOT push pause on the development of our children's brains. Please put more focus on education.Intensifying and elevating our Educational standards . While tackling other issues. Separation of the black and brown community are illegal ,even if you believe you're righting a wrong.
