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Agenda Item

C.-3 21-1505 Presentation to and discussion by LCAP - Parent Advisory Committee of proposed Draft 2021-2024 LCAP with Emphasis on Actions and Investments under Goal 3: ? Overview of Goals, Actions Areas, and Key Investments (15 minutes) ? Review of Actions and Investments under Action Areas 3.1 Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and 3.3 Social Emotional Supports (10 minutes) Feedback from Meeting Participants (15 minutes) ? Review of Actions and Investments under Action Area 3.2 Attendance Supports (10 minutes) Feedback from Meeting Participants (15 minutes) ? Review of Actions and Investments under Action Areas 3.4 Student Health and Wellness and 3.5 Youth Engagement (10 minutes) Feedback from Meeting Participants (15 minutes) ? Review of Actions and Investments under Action Areas 3.6 Family Engagement and 3.7 Communication to the Community (10 minutes) Feedback from Meeting Participants (15 minutes) ? Next Steps (5 minutes)

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    M S almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for inviting me to provide my comment as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment, US Constitution, Freedom of Speech.
    Parents, please sign the petition for the immediate resignation of a violent, malicious child beater employed by OUSD he is Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services. This man is a scum bag child beater and compulsive liar to OUSD. He was in Southern California, not North Carolina, the last 4 decades. Please protect your children from this child beater.
    #There is no vaccine for child abuse.
    At least one of his victims from the 1980's died in 2009 (drug o.d.).