Meeting Time: May 14, 2021 at 8:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

G.-1 21-1206 Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Facilities Committee - Up to 30 Minutes - May 14, 2021

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    M S almost 4 years ago

    First let me thank you for inviting me to provide my comment as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.
    Parents, please sign the petition for the immediate resignation of a violent and subversive child beater employed by OUSD he is Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services.
    Please protect your children from this scum bag child beater. He is not a 'food hero'.
    At least one of his pre-teen victims from the 1980's died from a drug overdose in 2009.
    #There is no vaccine for child abuse.

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    Carrie Anderson almost 4 years ago

    I teach at Manzanita Community School in an incredibly HOT classroom. Last year, on the hottest days (which happen more often due to climate change) our classroom temperature was close to100 degrees. Already this year, being back in the classroom with students in the afternoons, I have noticed how much hotter and more unbearable it is to be in our classroom with a mask on. I have had kids crying and unable to learn due to heat. Please provide air conditioning and new HVAC systems in all of the classrooms at the Manzanita site. Thank you!

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    Natalie MacIntyre almost 4 years ago

    The Manzanita campus needs a new HVAC system. Classrooms get so hot it creates unsafe conditions for students.

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    Erika Guerrero almost 4 years ago

    I teach in OUSD and want to be heard about how difficult it is to live and teach in without proper air circulation in Oakland. We need proper HVAC systems in ALL schools.

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    Allison Banister almost 4 years ago

    We need air conditioning at the Manzanita campus for both Community and SEED. Children are melting in the heat and unable to focus to climate change is affecting all of us. Wildfires are more common meaning windows cannot be opened. It is a human right to have access to clean air. Do the right thing by us teachers, our students, and community.

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    Jenny Kim almost 4 years ago

    We need air conditioning in our school buildings/classrooms due to the stifling heat in the fall and spring. Wearing masks when it’s hot in the classrooms with no consistent and stable ventilation will make it that more difficult for students and staff to breathe properly, let alone be in a right state of health and mental capacity to learn.

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    rachel tabar almost 4 years ago

    We need air conditioning at the Manzanita campus for both Community and SEED. Children are melting in the heat and unable to focus to learn. They are dripping in sweat, have difficulty sitting up on the rug and in their desks. My classroom reaches the high nineties and when there are fires we can’t have the windows open which is becoming more and more often. It is inequitable and unacceptable! Please help our babies!

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    Carol Delton almost 4 years ago

    May of the opportunities to spend one-time funds in ways that benefit the district over multiple years fall within the facilities rubric and improve working conditions for staff as well as learning conditions for students. These include VOIP communications that allow teachers and other staff to access messages from families more easily, solar power that has the potential to save/generate ongoing funds and become a bulwark against power outages that have closed schools during fire season, motion-sensitive LED lighting, and building and HVAC upgrades that improve heating/cooling while saving energy, While some of these will be incorporated into the Measure Y projects, please take a look at how some of the one time funds can be used to expedite more of these opportunities.