Meeting Time: May 14, 2021 at 8:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C. Speaker Request Cards/Modification(s) To Agenda

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    Natasha Saleski almost 4 years ago

    Please spend the Measure Y funds to upgrade the HVAC systems at our school sites. At Manzanita SEED, our buildings are intolerably hot on warm days. In some rooms the heat comes on even in the summer. In other rooms there is a bad smell coming out of the heating vents. In still other rooms, the heat won't turn on at all. As we face hotter temperatures, more days with fires, and a pandemic, we need a functional heating, cooling, and ventilation system.

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    Carol Delton almost 4 years ago

    Hello, Facilities Committee,
    At the last Facilities meeting (which I viewed by video after it took place) Director Davis noted my eComment about the need for a list of current rental properties and revenue and asked staff to prepare such a document. However, I do not see this item on the agenda. It is progress that the district and county have begun to include additional revenue streams in discussing OUSD's financial future, and in order to do so meaningfully, OUSD must calculate what the current streams are, and how they could be enhanced. I look forward to seeing this item on a Facilities Committee agenda shortly!