It is wishful thinking that we can boost our district’s enrollment simply by erasing charter schools from the maps that OUSD publishes.
To be sure, there are many things we can and should do to make OUSD schools more accessible and attractive to families! The more we do to improve the quality of district schools, the more families will choose them over private or charter schools.
Without a doubt, this has been an extremely tough year for students, families, and educators alike. Now that we’re past the worst of the coronavirus pandemic and are starting to reconnect and rebuild, I hope we can focus our energy on improving the student experience at OUSD schools rather than wasting it on withholding information, creating deeper divisions, and returning to the Balkanized enrollment application system of the past.
Do we want families to trust OUSD with their students because it is their best option, or because they don’t think they have a choice?
Currently, families use one set of tools when choosing a public school in Oakland. This is convenient for families and ensures that everyone knows what options they have.
Dismantling our current enrollment application system is a waste of time and money that will roll back years of progress and make it harder for Oakland families to navigate their options. I am skeptical that it willhave anyimpact on overall district enrollment numbers andI worry that restricting information about charterschools willresult in only the most engaged and informed familiesapplying to them. This could make charter school enrollment less representative and make things harder for our district-run schools.
I support adoption of the original resolution without the 'charter school' amendment sections. Enrollment at those schools who are consistently under-enrolled should have additional funding and stipends available for staff/family liaison/CSM/Counselors to create an individualized plan and for implementation.. For low-income families we need specific interventions when it comes to enrollment. We also need a clear 5 year plan for each school that is serving low-income communities. When the stability of the school Leadership, staff, programs, scheduling, teachers & funding is constantly changing then families will not feel any confidence in enrolling their child in a school that may not exist or look very different in two years. Further, teachers will not seek employment & programs (free programs mostly) will not want to invest in an unstable, unpredictable environment. Also a partnering with our School Board director and working in close collaboration on an Enrollment Committee is vital.
I am in favor of this proposal and feel it should have happened long ago. If the goal is to keep Oakland youth in public Oakland schools, we should work together as school leaders to support this effort, and not use our limited resources to support outside institutions. They can do their own recruiting!
I disagree with funds being allocated towards "marketing" to families. Those funds should be used to support schools. If we have safe and quality schools families would be more willing to enroll in OUSD schools!
I support adoption of the original resolution without the amendment. We need to stop OUSD from providing resources to charter schools, i.e. including charter school information on school finder and other supports beyond what we are legally required to provide. Charter schools have siphoned money and students for far too long. This resolution is long overdue.
It is wishful thinking that we can boost our district’s enrollment simply by erasing charter schools from the maps that OUSD publishes.
To be sure, there are many things we can and should do to make OUSD schools more accessible and attractive to families! The more we do to improve the quality of district schools, the more families will choose them over private or charter schools.
Without a doubt, this has been an extremely tough year for students, families, and educators alike. Now that we’re past the worst of the coronavirus pandemic and are starting to reconnect and rebuild, I hope we can focus our energy on improving the student experience at OUSD schools rather than wasting it on withholding information, creating deeper divisions, and returning to the Balkanized enrollment application system of the past.
Do we want families to trust OUSD with their students because it is their best option, or because they don’t think they have a choice?
Currently, families use one set of tools when choosing a public school in Oakland. This is convenient for families and ensures that everyone knows what options they have.
Dismantling our current enrollment application system is a waste of time and money that will roll back years of progress and make it harder for Oakland families to navigate their options. I am skeptical that it willhave anyimpact on overall district enrollment numbers andI worry that restricting information about charterschools willresult in only the most engaged and informed familiesapplying to them. This could make charter school enrollment less representative and make things harder for our district-run schools.
I support the original Enrollment Stablization resolution without the amendments.
I support adoption of the original resolution without the 'charter school' amendment sections. Enrollment at those schools who are consistently under-enrolled should have additional funding and stipends available for staff/family liaison/CSM/Counselors to create an individualized plan and for implementation.. For low-income families we need specific interventions when it comes to enrollment. We also need a clear 5 year plan for each school that is serving low-income communities. When the stability of the school Leadership, staff, programs, scheduling, teachers & funding is constantly changing then families will not feel any confidence in enrolling their child in a school that may not exist or look very different in two years. Further, teachers will not seek employment & programs (free programs mostly) will not want to invest in an unstable, unpredictable environment. Also a partnering with our School Board director and working in close collaboration on an Enrollment Committee is vital.
I am in favor of this proposal and feel it should have happened long ago. If the goal is to keep Oakland youth in public Oakland schools, we should work together as school leaders to support this effort, and not use our limited resources to support outside institutions. They can do their own recruiting!
I disagree with funds being allocated towards "marketing" to families. Those funds should be used to support schools. If we have safe and quality schools families would be more willing to enroll in OUSD schools!
I am for supporting our students with the best placement for their education, it might not always be an OUSD placement.
I support adoption of the original resolution without the amendment. We need to stop OUSD from providing resources to charter schools, i.e. including charter school information on school finder and other supports beyond what we are legally required to provide. Charter schools have siphoned money and students for far too long. This resolution is long overdue.