Meeting Time: March 24, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-1 20-2435 Consideration and discussion by the Board of Education of a recommendation from its Facilities Committee that the Board either approve proceeding with the construction of "the Baby Cole" Project at 1011 Union Street or alternatively consider the Brookfield site as location of District Administrative Offices, and absent selection of either of these two locations, consider additional options proposed by the Superintendent of Schools or designees.

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    Sharon Thomas almost 4 years ago

    Please do whatever it takes to stop spending ALL of that money on renting space on 10th and Broadway when we own property that could be used!!!

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    Kim Davis almost 4 years ago

    Once again you are showing your feckless inability to make a decision and stick to it. This board voted 2 years ago to build an admin building at Cole, and yet some of you, including two who supported that decision, are now changing your minds as the staff has spent countless person hours on this and it is on the brink of approval. You told our community in the dog and pony show last year that we would be building an admin building for $65 million. Now you are trying to switch it up to support your pet project and place admin at school sites that you have been trying to close for years, without community input or even notification to the community of your intent. Shame on you once again playing politics with our bond funds. Shame on you for doing whatever you want without engaging the community. You will dawdle and play until we waste another $80 million in bond funds and pay another $30 million to stay at 1000 Broadway. Cole is not my ideal site for admin, but you voted for it. Do it.