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Agenda Item

H.-1 21-0712 Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Committee - Up to 30 Minutes - March 25, 2021.

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    Jennifer Reisch almost 4 years ago

    I am writing as the mom of two first graders at International Community School (ICS), a school we chose specifically because of its dual-language immersion model and because we wanted our children to learn and grow in a smaller and well-supported environment with kids and teachers from culturally and socioeconomally diverse backgrounds. The teachers and staff at ICS care deeply about the entire school community. They also do a pretty phenomenal job supporting students and their families, many of whom were already struggling before the pandemic and now face even more tremendous challenges. How on earth does it make any sense -- on an ethical, financial, or pedogogical level -- to DEFUND a teacher at a school that is doing so much good for its students and their families? Especially when that teacher is *essential* for the school to continue offering the dual language immersion program that it adopted at the district's urging and with the promise of ongoing support just 5 years ago?