Meeting Time: February 24, 2021 at 4:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-1 21-0316 Adoption by the Board of Education, following consideration by the Facilities Committee, of Resolution No. 2021-0041 - Establishing the Board of Education's Vision and Goals for the District's General Obligation Bond Program and Revising and Adopting Board Policy 7113 ? Facilities - Vision and Goals for General Obligation Bond Program.

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    Jody London about 4 years ago

    Congrats on this policy. I think it will be really helpful for the public, for staff, for the Board. The section on Environmental Stewardship is great. I recommend that you modify one thing in that section. Oakland is a leader in this area for the entire state, not just the Bay Area. if you can sub "California" for "Bay Area" I think you should. Jody