Meeting Time: February 19, 2021 at 9:30am PST
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Agenda Item

21-0457 Orientation for Board Members, and the public, focusing on the charter school landscape in Oakland as well as District Staff and Governing Board roles in a charter approval, renewal, denial and material revision; charter school oversight; and charter school facilities issues.

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    M S about 3 years ago

    I oppose the employment of Field Supervisor Donnie Barclift, Nutrition Services. The last youtube video of this man says it all. A 300+ pound man and his inflammed gut as he is walking to the camera. How on earth did OUSD decide this guy will supply health and nutrition to Oakland students when he can't even take care of his own health? And his prior work experience was nothing less than a 15+ years as a KFC manager. That's what he calls healthy meals? Fried chicken?