V.-32 21-0052 Approval by the Board of Education of a No-Cost Agreement 2020-2021 between the District on behalf of Castlemont High School, Oakland High School, Fremont High School, Skyline High
School, and Oakland Technical High School and the Regents of the University of California on behalf of its Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP), Berkeley, CA, for the latter to provide college access and advising to help schools establish a college going culture and support with college and career exploration and access to enrich the experiences of students in high schools, particularly students from low-income and first generation college-bound backgrounds; Train, mentor and assign recent 4-year university graduate(s) as College Adviser Fellow(s) to a school to offer Programs services guided by a Regional Manager, driven by data-based assessment; Enlist a full-time staff member as Regional Manager to provide support, guidance and direction to the College Adviser Fellow(s) and to work with the school to ensure Programs efficacy and service delivery; Work in partnership with the school to promote a college-going culture through providing guidance and training using best practices based on data and analysis of school culture and students' college knowledge and awareness; Implement an Evaluation Plan for continuous improvement and for determining sustainability and scale-up opportunities, via the High School Linked Morning Office, for the period of September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, at no cost to the District.
Please pull this item from the consent calendar. Make sure the data sharing agreement truly protects the privacy of students and families.