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Agenda Item

21-0146 Presentation to and discussion by LCAP - Parent Advisory Committee of Understanding the Template and Timeline for Developing the 2021-24 LCAP and the 2021-22 Budget: 1st SECTION (20 minutes) 1. What overall purpose and functions does the LCAP serve? 2. What do the different sections of the LCAP template include and what is the specific function of each section? (Plan Summary, Comprehensive Support & Improvement, Stakeholder Engagement, Goals & Actions, Increased & Improved Services for Foster Youth/English Learners/Low Income Students, Expenditure Tables) 3. How are school site actions and investments incorporated into the LCAP? Questions & Answers (5 minutes) 2nd SECTION (10 minutes) 1. What do the LCAP Expenditure Tables show? 2. What funding sources are included in our LCAP? Questions & Answers (5 minutes) 3rd SECTION (15 minutes) 3. How do our goals and action areas reflect the Covid context? How does it incorporate what we planned in the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan? 4. How does the plan show targeted actions and investments for other types of needs for which we must plan? How does it reflect needs that not captured in the section about Foster Youth, English Learner, and Low Income students? Questions & Answers (5 minutes) 4th SECTION (15 minutes) 5. How are current initiatives already influencing the LCAP? What work is already underway that must be incorporated into the LCAP? 6. What are key dates in the LCAP and budget planning process? 7. What do we know right now about the budget resources available for 2021-22 (Covid Relief Funding--ESSER, GEER; Governor's Budget. etc.) Questions & Answers (5 minutes)