V.-38 20-2423 Ratification by the Board of Education of a Professional Services Agreement 2020-2021 between the District and Claremont Partners, Inc., Alameda, CA, for the latter to work with the Health Benefits Governing Board - Communications Subcommittee to ensure that HBGB meeting minutes are drafted in detail and shared with all stakeholders; share employee benefits communications best practices from other school districts, including demonstration of other school districts' benefits web sites, employee newsletters and Board of Education presentations; establish and maintain consistent HBGB brand and consistent voice for health benefit programs for open enrollment, benefit plan change and promotion of the employee assistance program, including creating HBGB logo meeting requirements of all labor units; develop background on the HBGB mission and values, and the rationale for changes to certain health benefits, overall communications campaign including drafting of emails, hard copy letters, and web announcements regarding changes, coordination of in-person workshops with vendors, reviewing employee feedback shared by labor unions and District on health benefits and suggesting changes in communications strategy to align with employee feedback and providing benefits web page layout suggestions and reviewing to ensure that all material is up-to-date; coordinate input from labor and District stakeholders on editorial calendar which sets 12-month schedule for publishing information on, all employee health programs, health fund income and expense, employee health topics and in-person benefits workshops as needed, like the Employee communications campaigns currently under way for the 2021-22 year include VSP and eye health, Delta Dental and oral health, Kaiser and employee wellness and WageWorks FSA 125 and how to take advantage of flexible spending accounts, via Risk Management Department, for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $44,352.00.