Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

B. Roll Call

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    Sheila Hubbard about 4 years ago

    I'm concerned as a CAC member for all & specifically for my black son who's going on to middle school. He falls Into the severely disabled category. I fear for him, due to behavior challenges (& regression) & because he's non verbal. He's in need of combination services (speech, ot, behavioral/ psychology services) and w/stability! He suffered trauma, due to his program closing in kindergarten & for 2 yrs didn't have stability. Now the school he finally got used to, (for 4 years) he has to leave. I appreciate the board members who allowed his school to remain, now I ask for ongoing help for him & all children who's severely disabled. His most recent supports r great! Big shots to Ms GRizzle, & Ms Lolita and staff! I just wish the school still went to 8th grade. I support the message sent to the board on behalf of the CAC. so, I ask for the implementation of ongoing support w/specially trained staff like the staff my son currently has. thank you.